Source code for influxdb_client.client.util.date_utils

"""Utils to get right Date parsing function."""
import datetime
from sys import version_info
import threading
from datetime import timezone as tz

from dateutil import parser

date_helper = None

lock_ = threading.Lock()

[docs]class DateHelper: """ DateHelper to groups different implementations of date operations. If you would like to serialize the query results to custom timezone, you can use following code: .. code-block:: python from influxdb_client.client.util import date_utils from influxdb_client.client.util.date_utils import DateHelper import dateutil.parser from dateutil import tz def parse_date(date_string: str): return dateutil.parser.parse(date_string).astimezone(tz.gettz('ETC/GMT+2')) date_utils.date_helper = DateHelper() date_utils.date_helper.parse_date = parse_date """ def __init__(self, timezone: datetime.tzinfo = tz.utc) -> None: """ Initialize defaults. :param timezone: Default timezone used for serialization "datetime" without "tzinfo". Default value is "UTC". """ self.timezone = timezone
[docs] def parse_date(self, date_string: str): """ Parse string into Date or Timestamp. :return: Returns a :class:`datetime.datetime` object or compliant implementation like :class:`class 'pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp` """ pass
[docs] def to_nanoseconds(self, delta): """ Get number of nanoseconds in timedelta. Solution comes from v1 client. Thx. """ nanoseconds_in_days = delta.days * 86400 * 10 ** 9 nanoseconds_in_seconds = delta.seconds * 10 ** 9 nanoseconds_in_micros = delta.microseconds * 10 ** 3 return nanoseconds_in_days + nanoseconds_in_seconds + nanoseconds_in_micros
[docs] def to_utc(self, value: datetime): """ Convert datetime to UTC timezone. :param value: datetime :return: datetime in UTC """ if not value.tzinfo: return self.to_utc(value.replace(tzinfo=self.timezone)) else: return value.astimezone(tz.utc)
def get_date_helper() -> DateHelper: """ Return DateHelper with proper implementation. If there is a 'ciso8601' than use 'ciso8601.parse_datetime' else use 'datetime.fromisoformat' (Python >= 3.11) or 'dateutil.parse' (Python < 3.11). """ global date_helper if date_helper is None: with lock_: # avoid duplicate initialization if date_helper is None: _date_helper = DateHelper() try: import ciso8601 _date_helper.parse_date = ciso8601.parse_datetime except ModuleNotFoundError: if (version_info.major, version_info.minor) >= (3, 11): _date_helper.parse_date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat else: _date_helper.parse_date = parser.parse date_helper = _date_helper return date_helper