"""Point data structure to represent LineProtocol."""
import math
import warnings
from builtins import int
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from decimal import Decimal
from numbers import Integral
from influxdb_client.client.util.date_utils import get_date_helper
from influxdb_client.domain.write_precision import WritePrecision
EPOCH = datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=timezone.utc)
_ESCAPE_MEASUREMENT = str.maketrans({
',': r'\,',
' ': r'\ ',
'\n': r'\n',
'\t': r'\t',
'\r': r'\r',
_ESCAPE_KEY = str.maketrans({
',': r'\,',
'=': r'\=',
' ': r'\ ',
'\n': r'\n',
'\t': r'\t',
'\r': r'\r',
_ESCAPE_STRING = str.maketrans({
'"': r'\"',
'\\': r'\\',
import numpy as np
except ModuleNotFoundError:
_HAS_NUMPY = False
[docs]class Point(object):
Point defines the values that will be written to the database.
Ref: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/latest/reference/key-concepts/data-elements/#point
[docs] @staticmethod
def measurement(measurement):
"""Create a new Point with specified measurement name."""
p = Point(measurement)
return p
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_dict(dictionary: dict, write_precision: WritePrecision = DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION, **kwargs):
Initialize point from 'dict' structure.
The expected dict structure is:
- measurement
- tags
- fields
- time
.. code-block:: python
# Use default dictionary structure
dict_structure = {
"measurement": "h2o_feet",
"tags": {"location": "coyote_creek"},
"fields": {"water_level": 1.0},
"time": 1
point = Point.from_dict(dict_structure, WritePrecision.NS)
.. code-block:: python
# Use custom dictionary structure
dictionary = {
"name": "sensor_pt859",
"location": "warehouse_125",
"version": "2021.06.05.5874",
"pressure": 125,
"temperature": 10,
"created": 1632208639,
point = Point.from_dict(dictionary,
record_tag_keys=["location", "version"],
record_field_keys=["pressure", "temperature"])
Int Types:
The following example shows how to configure the types of integers fields.
It is useful when you want to serialize integers always as ``float`` to avoid ``field type conflict``
or use ``unsigned 64-bit integer`` as the type for serialization.
.. code-block:: python
# Use custom dictionary structure
dict_structure = {
"measurement": "h2o_feet",
"tags": {"location": "coyote_creek"},
"fields": {
"water_level": 1.0,
"some_counter": 108913123234
"time": 1
point = Point.from_dict(dict_structure, field_types={"some_counter": "uint"})
:param dictionary: dictionary for serialize into data Point
:param write_precision: sets the precision for the supplied time values
:key record_measurement_key: key of dictionary with specified measurement
:key record_measurement_name: static measurement name for data Point
:key record_time_key: key of dictionary with specified timestamp
:key record_tag_keys: list of dictionary keys to use as a tag
:key record_field_keys: list of dictionary keys to use as a field
:key field_types: optional dictionary to specify types of serialized fields. Currently, is supported customization for integer types.
Possible integers types:
- ``int`` - serialize integers as "**Signed 64-bit integers**" - ``9223372036854775807i`` (default behaviour)
- ``uint`` - serialize integers as "**Unsigned 64-bit integers**" - ``9223372036854775807u``
- ``float`` - serialize integers as "**IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers**". Useful for unify number types in your pipeline to avoid field type conflict - ``9223372036854775807``
The ``field_types`` can be also specified as part of incoming dictionary. For more info see an example above.
:return: new data point
""" # noqa: E501
measurement_ = kwargs.get('record_measurement_name', None)
if measurement_ is None:
measurement_ = dictionary[kwargs.get('record_measurement_key', 'measurement')]
point = Point(measurement_)
record_tag_keys = kwargs.get('record_tag_keys', None)
if record_tag_keys is not None:
for tag_key in record_tag_keys:
if tag_key in dictionary:
point.tag(tag_key, dictionary[tag_key])
elif 'tags' in dictionary:
for tag_key, tag_value in dictionary['tags'].items():
point.tag(tag_key, tag_value)
record_field_keys = kwargs.get('record_field_keys', None)
if record_field_keys is not None:
for field_key in record_field_keys:
if field_key in dictionary:
point.field(field_key, dictionary[field_key])
for field_key, field_value in dictionary['fields'].items():
point.field(field_key, field_value)
record_time_key = kwargs.get('record_time_key', 'time')
if record_time_key in dictionary:
point.time(dictionary[record_time_key], write_precision=write_precision)
_field_types = kwargs.get('field_types', {})
if 'field_types' in dictionary:
_field_types = dictionary['field_types']
# Map API fields types to Line Protocol types postfix:
# - int: 'i'
# - uint: 'u'
# - float: ''
point._field_types = dict(map(
lambda item: (item[0], 'i' if item[1] == 'int' else 'u' if item[1] == 'uint' else ''),
return point
def __init__(self, measurement_name):
"""Initialize defaults."""
self._tags = {}
self._fields = {}
self._name = measurement_name
self._time = None
self._write_precision = DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION
self._field_types = {}
[docs] def time(self, time, write_precision=DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION):
Specify timestamp for DataPoint with declared precision.
If time doesn't have specified timezone we assume that timezone is UTC.
Point.measurement("h2o").field("val", 1).time("2009-11-10T23:00:00.123456Z")
Point.measurement("h2o").field("val", 1).time(1257894000123456000)
Point.measurement("h2o").field("val", 1).time(datetime(2009, 11, 10, 23, 0, 0, 123456))
Point.measurement("h2o").field("val", 1).time(1257894000123456000, write_precision=WritePrecision.NS)
:param time: the timestamp for your data
:param write_precision: sets the precision for the supplied time values
:return: this point
self._write_precision = write_precision
self._time = time
return self
[docs] def tag(self, key, value):
"""Add tag with key and value."""
self._tags[key] = value
return self
[docs] def field(self, field, value):
"""Add field with key and value."""
self._fields[field] = value
return self
[docs] def to_line_protocol(self, precision=None):
Create LineProtocol.
:param precision: required precision of LineProtocol. If it's not set then use the precision from ``Point``.
_measurement = _escape_key(self._name, _ESCAPE_MEASUREMENT)
if _measurement.startswith("#"):
message = f"""The measurement name '{_measurement}' start with '#'.
The output Line protocol will be interpret as a comment by InfluxDB. For more info see:
- https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/latest/reference/syntax/line-protocol/#comments
warnings.warn(message, SyntaxWarning)
_tags = _append_tags(self._tags)
_fields = _append_fields(self._fields, self._field_types)
if not _fields:
return ""
_time = _append_time(self._time, self._write_precision if precision is None else precision)
return f"{_measurement}{_tags}{_fields}{_time}"
def write_precision(self):
"""Get precision."""
return self._write_precision
[docs] @classmethod
def set_str_rep(cls, rep_function):
"""Set the string representation for all Points."""
cls.__str___rep = rep_function
def __str__(self):
"""Create string representation of this Point."""
return self.to_line_protocol()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Return true iff other is equal to self."""
if not isinstance(other, Point):
return False
# assume points are equal iff their instance fields are equal
return (self._tags == other._tags and
self._fields == other._fields and
self._name == other._name and
self._time == other._time and
self._write_precision == other._write_precision and
self._field_types == other._field_types)
def _append_tags(tags):
_return = []
for tag_key, tag_value in sorted(tags.items()):
if tag_value is None:
tag = _escape_key(tag_key)
value = _escape_tag_value(tag_value)
if tag != '' and value != '':
return f"{',' if _return else ''}{','.join(_return)} "
def _append_fields(fields, field_types):
_return = []
for field, value in sorted(fields.items()):
if value is None:
if isinstance(value, float) or isinstance(value, Decimal) or _np_is_subtype(value, 'float'):
if not math.isfinite(value):
s = str(value)
# It's common to represent whole numbers as floats
# and the trailing ".0" that Python produces is unnecessary
# in line-protocol, inconsistent with other line-protocol encoders,
# and takes more space than needed, so trim it off.
if s.endswith('.0'):
s = s[:-2]
elif (isinstance(value, int) or _np_is_subtype(value, 'int')) and not isinstance(value, bool):
_type = field_types.get(field, "i")
elif isinstance(value, bool):
elif isinstance(value, str):
raise ValueError(f'Type: "{type(value)}" of field: "{field}" is not supported.')
return f"{','.join(_return)}"
def _append_time(time, write_precision) -> str:
if time is None:
return ''
return f" {int(_convert_timestamp(time, write_precision))}"
def _escape_key(tag, escape_list=None) -> str:
if escape_list is None:
escape_list = _ESCAPE_KEY
return str(tag).translate(escape_list)
def _escape_tag_value(value) -> str:
ret = _escape_key(value)
if ret.endswith('\\'):
ret += ' '
return ret
def _escape_string(value) -> str:
return str(value).translate(_ESCAPE_STRING)
def _convert_timestamp(timestamp, precision=DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION):
date_helper = get_date_helper()
if isinstance(timestamp, Integral):
return timestamp # assume precision is correct if timestamp is int
if isinstance(timestamp, str):
timestamp = date_helper.parse_date(timestamp)
if isinstance(timestamp, timedelta) or isinstance(timestamp, datetime):
if isinstance(timestamp, datetime):
timestamp = date_helper.to_utc(timestamp) - EPOCH
ns = date_helper.to_nanoseconds(timestamp)
if precision is None or precision == WritePrecision.NS:
return ns
elif precision == WritePrecision.US:
return ns / 1e3
elif precision == WritePrecision.MS:
return ns / 1e6
elif precision == WritePrecision.S:
return ns / 1e9
raise ValueError(timestamp)
def _np_is_subtype(value, np_type):
if not _HAS_NUMPY or not hasattr(value, 'dtype'):
return False
if np_type == 'float':
return np.issubdtype(value, np.floating)
elif np_type == 'int':
return np.issubdtype(value, np.integer)
return False