API Reference


class influxdb_client.InfluxDBClient(url, token, debug=None, timeout=10000, enable_gzip=False, org: str = None)[source]

influxdb_client.InfluxDBClient is client for HTTP API defined in https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/http/swagger.yml.

  • url – InfluxDB server API url (ex. http://localhost:9999).
  • token – auth token
  • debug – enable verbose logging of http requests
  • timeout – default http client timeout
  • enable_gzip – Enable Gzip compression for http requests. Currently only the “Write” and “Query” endpoints supports the Gzip compression.
  • org – organization name (used as a default in query and write API)
authorizations_api() → influxdb_client.client.authorizations_api.AuthorizationsApi[source]

Creates the Authorizations API instance.

Returns:authorizations api
buckets_api() → influxdb_client.client.bucket_api.BucketsApi[source]

Creates the Bucket API instance.

Returns:buckets api

Shutdowns the client

delete_api() → influxdb_client.client.delete_api.DeleteApi[source]

Gets the delete metrics API instance :return: delete api

health() → influxdb_client.domain.health_check.HealthCheck[source]

Get the health of an instance.

labels_api() → influxdb_client.client.labels_api.LabelsApi[source]

Creates the Labels API instance.

Returns:labels api
organizations_api() → influxdb_client.client.organizations_api.OrganizationsApi[source]

Creates the Organizations API instance.

Returns:organizations api
query_api() → influxdb_client.client.query_api.QueryApi[source]

Creates a Query API instance

Returns:Query api instance
ready() → influxdb_client.domain.ready.Ready[source]

Gets The readiness of the InfluxDB 2.0.

tasks_api() → influxdb_client.client.tasks_api.TasksApi[source]

Creates the Tasks API instance.

Returns:tasks api
users_api() → influxdb_client.client.users_api.UsersApi[source]

Creates the Users API instance.

Returns:users api
write_api(write_options=<influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteOptions object>) → influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteApi[source]

Creates a Write API instance

Parameters:write_options – write api configuration
Returns:write api instance


class influxdb_client.QueryApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Initializes query client.

Parameters:influxdb_client – influxdb client
query(query: str, org=None) → List[influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxTable][source]

Synchronously executes the Flux query and return result as a List[‘FluxTable’]

  • query – the Flux query
  • org – organization name (optional if already specified in InfluxDBClient)

query_csv(query: str, org=None, dialect: influxdb_client.domain.dialect.Dialect = {'annotations': ['datatype', 'group', 'default'], 'comment_prefix': '#', 'date_time_format': 'RFC3339', 'delimiter': ',', 'header': True})[source]

Executes the Flux query and return results as a CSV iterator. Each iteration returns a row of the CSV file.

  • query – a Flux query
  • org – organization name (optional if already specified in InfluxDBClient)
  • dialect – csv dialect format

The returned object is an iterator. Each iteration returns a row of the CSV file (which can span multiple input lines).

query_raw(query: str, org=None, dialect={'annotations': ['datatype', 'group', 'default'], 'comment_prefix': '#', 'date_time_format': 'RFC3339', 'delimiter': ',', 'header': True})[source]

Synchronously executes the Flux query and return result as raw unprocessed result as a str

  • query – a Flux query
  • org – organization name (optional if already specified in InfluxDBClient)
  • dialect – csv dialect format


query_stream(query: str, org=None) → Generator[[influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxRecord, Any], None][source]

Synchronously executes the Flux query and return stream of FluxRecord as a Generator[‘FluxRecord’]

  • query – the Flux query
  • org – organization name (optional if already specified in InfluxDBClient)


class influxdb_client.WriteApi(influxdb_client, write_options: influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteOptions = <influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteOptions object>)[source]
write(bucket: str, org: str, record: Union[str, List[str], influxdb_client.client.write.point.Point, List[Point], dict, List[dict], bytes, List[bytes], rx.core.observable.observable.Observable], write_precision: influxdb_client.domain.write_precision.WritePrecision = 'ns') → None[source]

Writes time-series data into influxdb.

  • org (str) – specifies the destination organization for writes; take either the ID or Name interchangeably; if both orgID and org are specified, org takes precedence. (required)
  • bucket (str) – specifies the destination bucket for writes (required)
  • write_precision (WritePrecision) – specifies the precision for the unix timestamps within the body line-protocol
  • record – Points, line protocol, RxPY Observable to write


class influxdb_client.BucketsApi(influxdb_client)[source]
create_bucket(bucket=None, bucket_name=None, org_id=None, retention_rules=None, description=None) → influxdb_client.domain.bucket.Bucket[source]

Create a bucket # noqa: E501

  • bucket (Bucket) – bucket to create (required)
  • bucket_name – bucket name
  • description – bucket description
  • org_id – org_id
  • bucket_name – bucket name
  • retention_rules – retention rules array or single BucketRetentionRules

Bucket If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread.


Delete a bucket # noqa: E501

Parameters:bucket – bucket id or Bucket
Returns:Bucket If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread.

Find bucket by ID


Find bucket by name

Parameters:bucket_name – bucket name

Gets all buckets

class influxdb_client.domain.Bucket(links=None, id=None, type='user', name=None, description=None, org_id=None, rp=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None, retention_rules=None, labels=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator. Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Bucket - a model defined in OpenAPI


Gets the created_at of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Returns:The created_at of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:datetime

Gets the description of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Returns:The description of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the labels of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Returns:The labels of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Label]

Gets the links of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Returns:The links of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:BucketLinks

Gets the name of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the org_id of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Returns:The org_id of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the retention_rules of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Rules to expire or retain data. No rules means data never expires. # noqa: E501

Returns:The retention_rules of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[BucketRetentionRules]

Gets the rp of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Returns:The rp of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the type of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the updated_at of this Bucket. # noqa: E501

Returns:The updated_at of this Bucket. # noqa: E501
Return type:datetime


class influxdb_client.LabelsApi(influxdb_client)[source]

The client of the InfluxDB 2.0 that implements Labels HTTP API endpoint.

clone_label(cloned_name: str, label: influxdb_client.domain.label.Label) → influxdb_client.domain.label.Label[source]

Creates the new instance of the label as a copy existing label.

  • cloned_name – new label name
  • label – existing label

clonned Label

create_label(name: str, org_id: str, properties: Dict[str, str] = None) → influxdb_client.domain.label.Label[source]

Creates a new label.

  • name – label name
  • org_id – organization id
  • properties – optional label properties

created label

delete_label(label: Union[str, influxdb_client.domain.label.Label])[source]

Deletes the label.

Parameters:label – label id or Label
find_label_by_id(label_id: str)[source]

Retrieves the label by id.

find_label_by_org(org_id) → List[influxdb_client.domain.label.Label][source]

Gets the list of all labels for given organization.

Parameters:org_id – organization id
Returns:list of labels
find_labels() → List[influxdb_client.domain.label.Label][source]

Gets all available labels.

update_label(label: influxdb_client.domain.label.Label)[source]

Updates an existing label name and properties.

Parameters:label – label
Returns:the updated label


class influxdb_client.OrganizationsApi(influxdb_client)[source]

The client of the InfluxDB 2.0 that implements Organizations HTTP API endpoint.

class influxdb_client.domain.Organization(links=None, id=None, name=None, description=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None, status='active')[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator. Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Organization - a model defined in OpenAPI


Gets the created_at of this Organization. # noqa: E501

Returns:The created_at of this Organization. # noqa: E501
Return type:datetime

Gets the description of this Organization. # noqa: E501

Returns:The description of this Organization. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Organization. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Organization. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the links of this Organization. # noqa: E501

Returns:The links of this Organization. # noqa: E501
Return type:OrganizationLinks

Gets the name of this Organization. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Organization. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the status of this Organization. # noqa: E501

If inactive the organization is inactive. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status of this Organization. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the updated_at of this Organization. # noqa: E501

Returns:The updated_at of this Organization. # noqa: E501
Return type:datetime


class influxdb_client.UsersApi(influxdb_client)[source]
class influxdb_client.domain.User(id=None, oauth_id=None, name=None, status='active', links=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator. Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

User - a model defined in OpenAPI


Gets the id of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the links of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The links of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:UserLinks

Gets the name of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the oauth_id of this User. # noqa: E501

Returns:The oauth_id of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the status of this User. # noqa: E501

If inactive the user is inactive. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status of this User. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class influxdb_client.TasksApi(influxdb_client)[source]
cancel_run(task_id: str, run_id: str)[source]

Cancels a currently running run. :param task_id: :param run_id:


List tasks.

  • name (str) – only returns tasks with the specified name
  • after (str) – returns tasks after specified ID
  • user (str) – filter tasks to a specific user ID
  • org (str) – filter tasks to a specific organization name
  • org_id (str) – filter tasks to a specific organization ID
  • limit (int) – the number of tasks to return


get_logs(task_id: str) → List[influxdb_client.domain.log_event.LogEvent][source]

Retrieve all logs for a task. :param task_id: task id

get_run(task_id: str, run_id: str) → influxdb_client.domain.run.Run[source]

Get run record for specific task and run id :param task_id: task id :param run_id: run id :return: Run for specified task and run id

get_runs(task_id, **kwargs) → List[influxdb_client.domain.run.Run][source]

Retrieve list of run records for a task

  • task_id – task id
  • after (str) – returns runs after specified ID
  • limit (int) – the number of runs to return
  • after_time (datetime) – filter runs to those scheduled after this time, RFC3339
  • before_time (datetime) – filter runs to those scheduled before this time, RFC3339
retry_run(task_id: str, run_id: str)[source]

Retry a task run. :param task_id: task id :param run_id: run id

run_manually(task_id: str, scheduled_for: <module 'datetime' from '/home/docs/.pyenv/versions/3.6.8/lib/python3.6/datetime.py'> = None)[source]

Manually start a run of the task now overriding the current schedule.

  • task_id
  • scheduled_for – planned execution
class influxdb_client.domain.Task(id=None, type=None, org_id=None, org=None, name=None, description=None, status=None, labels=None, authorization_id=None, flux=None, every=None, cron=None, offset=None, latest_completed=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None, links=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator. Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Task - a model defined in OpenAPI


Gets the authorization_id of this Task. # noqa: E501

The ID of the authorization used when this task communicates with the query engine. # noqa: E501

Returns:The authorization_id of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the created_at of this Task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The created_at of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:datetime

Gets the cron of this Task. # noqa: E501

A task repetition schedule in the form ‘* * * * * *’; parsed from Flux. # noqa: E501

Returns:The cron of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the description of this Task. # noqa: E501

An optional description of the task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The description of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the every of this Task. # noqa: E501

A simple task repetition schedule; parsed from Flux. # noqa: E501

Returns:The every of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the flux of this Task. # noqa: E501

The Flux script to run for this task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The flux of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the id of this Task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The id of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the labels of this Task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The labels of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:list[Label]

Gets the latest_completed of this Task. # noqa: E501

Timestamp of latest scheduled, completed run, RFC3339. # noqa: E501

Returns:The latest_completed of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:datetime

Gets the links of this Task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The links of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:TaskLinks

Gets the name of this Task. # noqa: E501

The name of the task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The name of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the offset of this Task. # noqa: E501

Duration to delay after the schedule, before executing the task; parsed from flux, if set to zero it will remove this option and use 0 as the default. # noqa: E501

Returns:The offset of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the org of this Task. # noqa: E501

The name of the organization that owns this Task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The org of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the org_id of this Task. # noqa: E501

The ID of the organization that owns this Task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The org_id of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the status of this Task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The status of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:TaskStatusType

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the type of this Task. # noqa: E501

The type of task, this can be used for filtering tasks on list actions. # noqa: E501

Returns:The type of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:str

Gets the updated_at of this Task. # noqa: E501

Returns:The updated_at of this Task. # noqa: E501
Return type:datetime