Source code for influxdb_client.client.write_api

# coding: utf-8
import logging
import threading
from datetime import timedelta
from enum import Enum
from random import random
from time import sleep
from typing import Union, List

import rx
from rx import operators as ops, Observable
from rx.scheduler import ThreadPoolScheduler
from rx.subject import Subject

from influxdb_client import WritePrecision, WriteService
from influxdb_client.client.abstract_client import AbstractClient
from influxdb_client.client.write.point import Point, DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION
from import ApiException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class WriteType(Enum):
    batching = 1
    asynchronous = 2
    synchronous = 3

class WriteOptions(object):

    def __init__(self, write_type: WriteType = WriteType.batching,
                 batch_size=1_000, flush_interval=1_000,
                 write_scheduler=ThreadPoolScheduler(max_workers=1)) -> None:
        Creates write api configuration.

        :param write_type: methods of write (batching, asynchronous, synchronous)
        :param batch_size: the number of data point to collect in batch
        :param flush_interval: flush data at least in this interval
        :param jitter_interval: this is primarily to avoid large write spikes for users running a large number of
               client instances ie, a jitter of 5s and flush duration 10s means flushes will happen every 10-15s.
        :param retry_interval: the time to wait before retry unsuccessful write
        :param write_scheduler:
        self.write_type = write_type
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.flush_interval = flush_interval
        self.jitter_interval = jitter_interval
        self.retry_interval = retry_interval
        self.write_scheduler = write_scheduler

SYNCHRONOUS = WriteOptions(write_type=WriteType.synchronous)
ASYNCHRONOUS = WriteOptions(write_type=WriteType.asynchronous)

class _BatchItem(object):
    def __init__(self, key, data, size=1) -> None:
        self.key = key = data
        self.size = size

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return '_BatchItem[key:\'{}\', \'{}\']' \
            .format(str(self.key), str(self.size))

class _BatchItemKey(object):
    def __init__(self, bucket, org, precision=DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION) -> None:
        self.bucket = bucket = org
        self.precision = precision

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return hash((self.bucket,, self.precision))

    def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool:
        return isinstance(o, self.__class__) \
               and self.bucket == o.bucket and == and self.precision == o.precision

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return '_BatchItemKey[bucket:\'{}\', org:\'{}\', precision:\'{}\']' \
            .format(str(self.bucket), str(, str(self.precision))

class _BatchResponse(object):
    def __init__(self, data: _BatchItem, exception=None): = data
        self.exception = exception

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return '_BatchResponse[status:\'{}\', \'{}\']' \
            .format("failed" if self.exception else "success", str(

def _body_reduce(batch_items):
    return b'\n'.join(map(lambda batch_item:, batch_items))

[docs]class WriteApi(AbstractClient): def __init__(self, influxdb_client, write_options: WriteOptions = WriteOptions()) -> None: self._influxdb_client = influxdb_client self._write_service = WriteService(influxdb_client.api_client) self._write_options = write_options if self._write_options.write_type is WriteType.batching: # Define Subject that listen incoming data and produces writes into InfluxDB self._subject = Subject() self._disposable = self._subject.pipe( # Split incoming data to windows by batch_size or flush_interval ops.window_with_time_or_count(count=write_options.batch_size, timespan=timedelta(milliseconds=write_options.flush_interval)), # Map window into groups defined by 'organization', 'bucket' and 'precision' ops.flat_map(lambda window: window.pipe( # Group window by 'organization', 'bucket' and 'precision' ops.group_by(lambda batch_item: batch_item.key), # Create batch (concatenation line protocols by \n) group: group.pipe( ops.to_iterable(), xs: _BatchItem(key=group.key, data=_body_reduce(xs), size=len(xs))))), ops.merge_all())), # Write data into InfluxDB (possibility to retry if its fail) batch: self._retryable(data=batch, delay=self._jitter_delay())), # ops.merge_all())\ .subscribe(self._on_next, self._on_error, self._on_complete) else: self._subject = None self._disposable = None
[docs] def write(self, bucket: str, org: str, record: Union[ str, List['str'], Point, List['Point'], dict, List['dict'], bytes, List['bytes'], Observable], write_precision: WritePrecision = DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION) -> None: """ Writes time-series data into influxdb. :param str org: specifies the destination organization for writes; take either the ID or Name interchangeably; if both orgID and org are specified, org takes precedence. (required) :param str bucket: specifies the destination bucket for writes (required) :param WritePrecision write_precision: specifies the precision for the unix timestamps within the body line-protocol :param record: Points, line protocol, RxPY Observable to write """ if self._write_options.write_type is WriteType.batching: return self._write_batching(bucket, org, record, write_precision) final_string = self._serialize(record, write_precision) _async_req = True if self._write_options.write_type == WriteType.asynchronous else False return self._post_write(_async_req, bucket, org, final_string, write_precision)
def flush(self): # TODO pass def __del__(self): if self._subject: self._subject.on_completed() self._subject.dispose() self._subject = None # Wait for finish writing while not self._disposable.is_disposed: sleep(0.1) if self._disposable: self._disposable = None pass def _serialize(self, record, write_precision) -> bytes: _result = b'' if isinstance(record, bytes): _result = record elif isinstance(record, str): _result = record.encode("utf-8") elif isinstance(record, Point): _result = self._serialize(record.to_line_protocol(), write_precision=write_precision) elif isinstance(record, dict): _result = self._serialize(Point.from_dict(record, write_precision=write_precision), write_precision=write_precision) elif isinstance(record, list): _result = b'\n'.join([self._serialize(item, write_precision=write_precision) for item in record]) return _result def _write_batching(self, bucket, org, data, precision=DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION): _key = _BatchItemKey(bucket, org, precision) if isinstance(data, bytes): self._subject.on_next(_BatchItem(key=_key, data=data)) elif isinstance(data, str): self._write_batching(bucket, org, data.encode("utf-8"), precision) elif isinstance(data, Point): self._write_batching(bucket, org, data.to_line_protocol(), precision) elif isinstance(data, dict): self._write_batching(bucket, org, Point.from_dict(data, write_precision=precision), precision) elif isinstance(data, list): for item in data: self._write_batching(bucket, org, item, precision) elif isinstance(data, Observable): data.subscribe(lambda it: self._write_batching(bucket, org, it, precision)) pass return None def _http(self, batch_item: _BatchItem): logger.debug("Write time series data into InfluxDB: %s", batch_item) self._post_write(False, batch_item.key.bucket,,, batch_item.key.precision) logger.debug("Write request finished %s", batch_item) return _BatchResponse(data=batch_item) def _post_write(self, _async_req, bucket, org, body, precision): return self._write_service.post_write(org=org, bucket=bucket, body=body, precision=precision, async_req=_async_req, content_encoding="identity", content_type="text/plain; charset=utf-8") def _retryable(self, data: str, delay: timedelta): return rx.of(data).pipe( ops.subscribe_on(self._write_options.write_scheduler), # use delay if its specified ops.delay(duetime=delay, scheduler=self._write_options.write_scheduler), # invoke http call x: self._http(x)), # if there is an error than retry ops.catch(handler=lambda exception, source: self._retry_handler(exception, source, data)), ) def _retry_handler(self, exception, source, data): if isinstance(exception, ApiException): if exception.status == 429 or exception.status == 503: _delay = self._jitter_delay() + timedelta(milliseconds=self._write_options.retry_interval) return self._retryable(data, delay=_delay) return rx.just(_BatchResponse(exception=exception, data=data)) def _jitter_delay(self): return timedelta(milliseconds=random() * self._write_options.jitter_interval) @staticmethod def _on_next(response: _BatchResponse): if response.exception: logger.error("The batch item wasn't processed successfully because: %s", response.exception) else: logger.debug("The batch item: %s was processed successfully.", response) @staticmethod def _on_error(ex): logger.error("unexpected error during batching: %s", ex) def _on_complete(self): self._disposable.dispose()"the batching processor was disposed")