Source code for influxdb_client.client.write.point

"""Point data structure to represent LineProtocol."""

import math
from builtins import int
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from numbers import Integral

from pytz import UTC

from influxdb_client.client.util.date_utils import get_date_helper
from influxdb_client.domain.write_precision import WritePrecision

EPOCH = UTC.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0))


_ESCAPE_MEASUREMENT = str.maketrans({
    ',': r'\,',
    ' ': r'\ ',
    '\n': r'\n',
    '\t': r'\t',
    '\r': r'\r',

_ESCAPE_KEY = str.maketrans({
    ',': r'\,',
    '=': r'\=',
    ' ': r'\ ',
    '\n': r'\n',
    '\t': r'\t',
    '\r': r'\r',

_ESCAPE_STRING = str.maketrans({
    '"': r'\"',
    '\\': r'\\',

    import numpy as np

    _HAS_NUMPY = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    _HAS_NUMPY = False

[docs]class Point(object): """ Point defines the values that will be written to the database. Ref: """
[docs] @staticmethod def measurement(measurement): """Create a new Point with specified measurement name.""" p = Point(measurement) return p
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(dictionary: dict, write_precision: WritePrecision = DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION, **kwargs): """ Initialize point from 'dict' structure. The expected dict structure is: - measurement - tags - fields - time Example: .. code-block:: python # Use default dictionary structure dict_structure = { "measurement": "h2o_feet", "tags": {"location": "coyote_creek"}, "fields": {"water_level": 1.0}, "time": 1 } point = Point.from_dict(dict_structure, WritePrecision.NS) Example: .. code-block:: python # Use custom dictionary structure dictionary = { "name": "sensor_pt859", "location": "warehouse_125", "version": "2021.06.05.5874", "pressure": 125, "temperature": 10, "created": 1632208639, } point = Point.from_dict(dictionary, write_precision=WritePrecision.S, record_measurement_key="name", record_time_key="created", record_tag_keys=["location", "version"], record_field_keys=["pressure", "temperature"]) :param dictionary: dictionary for serialize into data Point :param write_precision: sets the precision for the supplied time values :key record_measurement_key: key of dictionary with specified measurement :key record_measurement_name: static measurement name for data Point :key record_time_key: key of dictionary with specified timestamp :key record_tag_keys: list of dictionary keys to use as a tag :key record_field_keys: list of dictionary keys to use as a field :return: new data point """ measurement_ = kwargs.get('record_measurement_name', None) if measurement_ is None: measurement_ = dictionary[kwargs.get('record_measurement_key', 'measurement')] point = Point(measurement_) record_tag_keys = kwargs.get('record_tag_keys', None) if record_tag_keys is not None: for tag_key in record_tag_keys: if tag_key in dictionary: point.tag(tag_key, dictionary[tag_key]) elif 'tags' in dictionary: for tag_key, tag_value in dictionary['tags'].items(): point.tag(tag_key, tag_value) record_field_keys = kwargs.get('record_field_keys', None) if record_field_keys is not None: for field_key in record_field_keys: if field_key in dictionary: point.field(field_key, dictionary[field_key]) else: for field_key, field_value in dictionary['fields'].items(): point.field(field_key, field_value) record_time_key = kwargs.get('record_time_key', 'time') if record_time_key in dictionary: point.time(dictionary[record_time_key], write_precision=write_precision) return point
def __init__(self, measurement_name): """Initialize defaults.""" self._tags = {} self._fields = {} self._name = measurement_name self._time = None self._write_precision = DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION
[docs] def time(self, time, write_precision=DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION): """ Specify timestamp for DataPoint with declared precision. If time doesn't have specified timezone we assume that timezone is UTC. Examples:: Point.measurement("h2o").field("val", 1).time("2009-11-10T23:00:00.123456Z") Point.measurement("h2o").field("val", 1).time(1257894000123456000) Point.measurement("h2o").field("val", 1).time(datetime(2009, 11, 10, 23, 0, 0, 123456)) Point.measurement("h2o").field("val", 1).time(1257894000123456000, write_precision=WritePrecision.NS) :param time: the timestamp for your data :param write_precision: sets the precision for the supplied time values :return: this point """ self._write_precision = write_precision self._time = time return self
[docs] def tag(self, key, value): """Add tag with key and value.""" self._tags[key] = value return self
[docs] def field(self, field, value): """Add field with key and value.""" self._fields[field] = value return self
[docs] def to_line_protocol(self, precision=None): """ Create LineProtocol. :param precision: required precision of LineProtocol. If it's not set then use the precision from ``Point``. """ _measurement = _escape_key(self._name, _ESCAPE_MEASUREMENT) _tags = _append_tags(self._tags) _fields = _append_fields(self._fields) if not _fields: return "" _time = _append_time(self._time, self._write_precision if precision is None else precision) return f"{_measurement}{_tags}{_fields}{_time}"
@property def write_precision(self): """Get precision.""" return self._write_precision
[docs] @classmethod def set_str_rep(cls, rep_function): """Set the string representation for all Points.""" cls.__str___rep = rep_function
def __str__(self): """Create string representation of this Point.""" return self.to_line_protocol()
def _append_tags(tags): _return = [] for tag_key, tag_value in sorted(tags.items()): if tag_value is None: continue tag = _escape_key(tag_key) value = _escape_tag_value(tag_value) if tag != '' and value != '': _return.append(f'{tag}={value}') return f"{',' if _return else ''}{','.join(_return)} " def _append_fields(fields): _return = [] for field, value in sorted(fields.items()): if value is None: continue if isinstance(value, float) or isinstance(value, Decimal) or _np_is_subtype(value, 'float'): if not math.isfinite(value): continue s = str(value) # It's common to represent whole numbers as floats # and the trailing ".0" that Python produces is unnecessary # in line-protocol, inconsistent with other line-protocol encoders, # and takes more space than needed, so trim it off. if s.endswith('.0'): s = s[:-2] _return.append(f'{_escape_key(field)}={s}') elif (isinstance(value, int) or _np_is_subtype(value, 'int')) and not isinstance(value, bool): _return.append(f'{_escape_key(field)}={str(value)}i') elif isinstance(value, bool): _return.append(f'{_escape_key(field)}={str(value).lower()}') elif isinstance(value, str): _return.append(f'{_escape_key(field)}="{_escape_string(value)}"') else: raise ValueError(f'Type: "{type(value)}" of field: "{field}" is not supported.') return f"{','.join(_return)}" def _append_time(time, write_precision): if time is None: return '' return f" {int(_convert_timestamp(time, write_precision))}" def _escape_key(tag, escape_list=None): if escape_list is None: escape_list = _ESCAPE_KEY return str(tag).translate(escape_list) def _escape_tag_value(value): ret = _escape_key(value) if ret.endswith('\\'): ret += ' ' return ret def _escape_string(value): return str(value).translate(_ESCAPE_STRING) def _convert_timestamp(timestamp, precision=DEFAULT_WRITE_PRECISION): date_helper = get_date_helper() if isinstance(timestamp, Integral): return timestamp # assume precision is correct if timestamp is int if isinstance(timestamp, str): timestamp = date_helper.parse_date(timestamp) if isinstance(timestamp, timedelta) or isinstance(timestamp, datetime): if isinstance(timestamp, datetime): timestamp = date_helper.to_utc(timestamp) - EPOCH ns = date_helper.to_nanoseconds(timestamp) if precision is None or precision == WritePrecision.NS: return ns elif precision == WritePrecision.US: return ns / 1e3 elif precision == WritePrecision.MS: return ns / 1e6 elif precision == WritePrecision.S: return ns / 1e9 raise ValueError(timestamp) def _np_is_subtype(value, np_type): if not _HAS_NUMPY or not hasattr(value, 'dtype'): return False if np_type == 'float': return np.issubdtype(value, np.floating) elif np_type == 'int': return np.issubdtype(value, np.integer) return False