API Reference


class influxdb_client.InfluxDBClient(url, token: str = None, debug=None, timeout=10000, enable_gzip=False, org: str = None, default_tags: dict = None, **kwargs)[source]

InfluxDBClient is client for InfluxDB v2.

Initialize defaults.

  • url – InfluxDB server API url (ex. http://localhost:8086).
  • tokentoken to authenticate to the InfluxDB API
  • debug – enable verbose logging of http requests
  • timeout – HTTP client timeout setting for a request specified in milliseconds. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.
  • enable_gzip – Enable Gzip compression for http requests. Currently, only the “Write” and “Query” endpoints supports the Gzip compression.
  • org – organization name (used as a default in Query, Write and Delete API)
Key bool verify_ssl:

Set this to false to skip verifying SSL certificate when calling API from https server.

Key str ssl_ca_cert:

Set this to customize the certificate file to verify the peer.

Key str proxy:

Set this to configure the http proxy to be used (ex. http://localhost:3128)

Key str proxy_headers:

A dictionary containing headers that will be sent to the proxy. Could be used for proxy authentication.

Key int connection_pool_maxsize:

Number of connections to save that can be reused by urllib3. Defaults to “multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 5”.

Key urllib3.util.retry.Retry retries:

Set the default retry strategy that is used for all HTTP requests except batching writes. As a default there is no one retry strategy.

Key bool auth_basic:

Set this to true to enable basic authentication when talking to a InfluxDB 1.8.x that does not use auth-enabled but is protected by a reverse proxy with basic authentication. (defaults to false, don’t set to true when talking to InfluxDB 2)

Key str username:

username to authenticate via username and password credentials to the InfluxDB 2.x

Key str password:

password to authenticate via username and password credentials to the InfluxDB 2.x

Key list[str] profilers:

list of enabled Flux profilers

authorizations_api() → influxdb_client.client.authorizations_api.AuthorizationsApi[source]

Create the Authorizations API instance.

Returns:authorizations api
buckets_api() → influxdb_client.client.bucket_api.BucketsApi[source]

Create the Bucket API instance.

Returns:buckets api

Shutdown the client.

delete_api() → influxdb_client.client.delete_api.DeleteApi[source]

Get the delete metrics API instance.

Returns:delete api
classmethod from_config_file(config_file: str = 'config.ini', debug=None, enable_gzip=False)[source]

Configure client via configuration file. The configuration has to be under ‘influx’ section.

The supported formats:
Configuration options:
  • url
  • org
  • token
  • timeout,
  • verify_ssl
  • ssl_ca_cert
  • connection_pool_maxsize
  • auth_basic
  • profilers
  • proxy

config.ini example:


id = 132-987-655
customer = California Miner
data_center = ${env.data_center}

config.toml example:

    url = "http://localhost:8086"
    token = "my-token"
    org = "my-org"
    timeout = 6000
    connection_pool_maxsize = 25
    auth_basic = false
    profilers="query, operator"
    proxy = "http://proxy.domain.org:8080"

    id = "132-987-655"
    customer = "California Miner"
    data_center = "${env.data_center}"
classmethod from_env_properties(debug=None, enable_gzip=False)[source]

Configure client via environment properties.

Supported environment properties:
health() → influxdb_client.domain.health_check.HealthCheck[source]

Get the health of an instance.

invokable_scripts_api() → influxdb_client.client.invokable_scripts_api.InvokableScriptsApi[source]

Create an InvokableScripts API instance.

Returns:InvokableScripts API instance
labels_api() → influxdb_client.client.labels_api.LabelsApi[source]

Create the Labels API instance.

Returns:labels api
organizations_api() → influxdb_client.client.organizations_api.OrganizationsApi[source]

Create the Organizations API instance.

Returns:organizations api
ping() → bool[source]

Return the status of InfluxDB instance.

Returns:The status of InfluxDB.
query_api(query_options: influxdb_client.client.query_api.QueryOptions = <influxdb_client.client.query_api.QueryOptions object>) → influxdb_client.client.query_api.QueryApi[source]

Create an Query API instance.

Parameters:query_options – optional query api configuration
Returns:Query api instance
ready() → influxdb_client.domain.ready.Ready[source]

Get The readiness of the InfluxDB 2.0.

tasks_api() → influxdb_client.client.tasks_api.TasksApi[source]

Create the Tasks API instance.

Returns:tasks api
users_api() → influxdb_client.client.users_api.UsersApi[source]

Create the Users API instance.

Returns:users api
version() → str[source]

Return the version of the connected InfluxDB Server.

Returns:The version of InfluxDB.
write_api(write_options=<influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteOptions object>, point_settings=<influxdb_client.client.write_api.PointSettings object>, **kwargs) → influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteApi[source]

Create Write API instance.

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient
from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS

# Initialize SYNCHRONOUS instance of WriteApi
with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:
    write_api = client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS)

If you would like to use a background batching, you have to configure client like this:

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient

# Initialize background batching instance of WriteApi
with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:
    with client.write_api() as write_api:

There is also possibility to use callbacks to notify about state of background batches:

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient
from influxdb_client.client.exceptions import InfluxDBError

class BatchingCallback(object):

    def success(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str):
        print(f"Written batch: {conf}, data: {data}")

    def error(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str, exception: InfluxDBError):
        print(f"Cannot write batch: {conf}, data: {data} due: {exception}")

    def retry(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str, exception: InfluxDBError):
        print(f"Retryable error occurs for batch: {conf}, data: {data} retry: {exception}")

with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:
    callback = BatchingCallback()
    with client.write_api(success_callback=callback.success,
                          retry_callback=callback.retry) as write_api:
  • write_options – Write API configuration
  • point_settings – settings to store default tags
Key success_callback:

The callable callback to run after successfully writen a batch.

The callable must accept two arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data

[batching mode]

Key error_callback:

The callable callback to run after unsuccessfully writen a batch.

The callable must accept three arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data
  • Exception: an occurred error

[batching mode]

Key retry_callback:

The callable callback to run after retryable error occurred.

The callable must accept three arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data
  • Exception: an retryable error

[batching mode]


write api instance


class influxdb_client.QueryApi(influxdb_client, query_options=<influxdb_client.client.query_api.QueryOptions object>)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/query’ endpoint.

Initialize query client.

Parameters:influxdb_client – influxdb client
query(query: str, org=None, params: dict = None) → List[influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxTable][source]

Execute synchronous Flux query and return result as a List[‘FluxTable’].

  • query – the Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • params – bind parameters

query_csv(query: str, org=None, dialect: influxdb_client.domain.dialect.Dialect = {'annotations': ['datatype', 'group', 'default'], 'comment_prefix': '#', 'date_time_format': 'RFC3339', 'delimiter': ',', 'header': True}, params: dict = None)[source]

Execute the Flux query and return results as a CSV iterator. Each iteration returns a row of the CSV file.

  • query – a Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • dialect – csv dialect format
  • params – bind parameters

The returned object is an iterator. Each iteration returns a row of the CSV file (which can span multiple input lines).

query_data_frame(query: str, org=None, data_frame_index: List[str] = None, params: dict = None)[source]

Execute synchronous Flux query and return Pandas DataFrame.

Note that if a query returns tables with differing schemas than the client generates a DataFrame for each of them.

  • query – the Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • data_frame_index – the list of columns that are used as DataFrame index
  • params – bind parameters

DataFrame or List of DataFrames

query_data_frame_stream(query: str, org=None, data_frame_index: List[str] = None, params: dict = None)[source]

Execute synchronous Flux query and return stream of Pandas DataFrame as a Generator[‘pd.DataFrame’].

Note that if a query returns tables with differing schemas than the client generates a DataFrame for each of them.

  • query – the Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • data_frame_index – the list of columns that are used as DataFrame index
  • params – bind parameters

query_raw(query: str, org=None, dialect={'annotations': ['datatype', 'group', 'default'], 'comment_prefix': '#', 'date_time_format': 'RFC3339', 'delimiter': ',', 'header': True}, params: dict = None)[source]

Execute synchronous Flux query and return result as raw unprocessed result as a str.

  • query – a Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • dialect – csv dialect format
  • params – bind parameters


query_stream(query: str, org=None, params: dict = None) → Generator[[influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxRecord, Any], None][source]

Execute synchronous Flux query and return stream of FluxRecord as a Generator[‘FluxRecord’].

  • query – the Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • params – bind parameters


class influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxTable[source]

A table is set of records with a common set of columns and a group key.

The table can be serialized into JSON by:

import json
from influxdb_client.client.flux_table import FluxStructureEncoder

output = json.dumps(tables, cls=FluxStructureEncoder, indent=2)

Initialize defaults.


Group key is a list of columns.

A table’s group key denotes which subset of the entire dataset is assigned to the table.

class influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxRecord(table, values=None)[source]

A record is a tuple of named values and is represented using an object type.

Initialize defaults.


Get field name.


Get measurement name.


Get ‘_start’ value.


Get ‘_stop’ value.


Get timestamp.


Get field value.


class influxdb_client.WriteApi(influxdb_client, write_options: influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteOptions = <influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteOptions object>, point_settings: influxdb_client.client.write_api.PointSettings = <influxdb_client.client.write_api.PointSettings object>, **kwargs)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/write’ endpoint.

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient
from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS

# Initialize SYNCHRONOUS instance of WriteApi
with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:
    write_api = client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS)

Initialize defaults.

  • influxdb_client – with default settings (organization)
  • write_options – write api configuration
  • point_settings – settings to store default tags.
Key success_callback:

The callable callback to run after successfully writen a batch.

The callable must accept two arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data

[batching mode]

Key error_callback:

The callable callback to run after unsuccessfully writen a batch.

The callable must accept three arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data
  • Exception: an occurred error

[batching mode]

Key retry_callback:

The callable callback to run after retryable error occurred.

The callable must accept three arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data
  • Exception: an retryable error

[batching mode]


Flush data and dispose a batching buffer.


Flush data.

write(bucket: str, org: str = None, record: Union[str, Iterable[str], influxdb_client.client.write.point.Point, Iterable[Point], dict, Iterable[dict], bytes, Iterable[bytes], rx.core.observable.observable.Observable, NamedTuple, Iterable[NamedTuple], dataclass, Iterable[dataclass]] = None, write_precision: influxdb_client.domain.write_precision.WritePrecision = 'ns', **kwargs) → Any[source]

Write time-series data into InfluxDB.

  • bucket (str) – specifies the destination bucket for writes (required)
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the destination organization for writes; take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • write_precision (WritePrecision) – specifies the precision for the unix timestamps within the body line-protocol. The precision specified on a Point has precedes and is use for write.
  • record – Point, Line Protocol, Dictionary, NamedTuple, Data Classes, Pandas DataFrame or RxPY Observable to write
Key data_frame_measurement_name:

name of measurement for writing Pandas DataFrame - DataFrame

Key data_frame_tag_columns:

list of DataFrame columns which are tags, rest columns will be fields - DataFrame

Key data_frame_timestamp_column:

name of DataFrame column which contains a timestamp. The column can be defined as a str value formatted as 2018-10-26, 2018-10-26 12:00, 2018-10-26 12:00:00-05:00 or other formats and types supported by pandas.to_datetime - DataFrame

Key data_frame_timestamp_timezone:

name of the timezone which is used for timestamp column - DataFrame

Key record_measurement_key:

key of record with specified measurement - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_measurement_name:

static measurement name - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_time_key:

key of record with specified timestamp - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_tag_keys:

list of record keys to use as a tag - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_field_keys:

list of record keys to use as a field - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

# Record as Line Protocol
write_api.write("my-bucket", "my-org", "h2o_feet,location=us-west level=125i 1")

# Record as Dictionary
dictionary = {
    "measurement": "h2o_feet",
    "tags": {"location": "us-west"},
    "fields": {"level": 125},
    "time": 1
write_api.write("my-bucket", "my-org", dictionary)

# Record as Point
from influxdb_client import Point
point = Point("h2o_feet").tag("location", "us-west").field("level", 125).time(1)
write_api.write("my-bucket", "my-org", point)

If the data_frame_timestamp_column is not specified the index of Pandas DataFrame is used as a timestamp for written data. The index can be PeriodIndex or its must be transformable to datetime by pandas.to_datetime.

If you would like to transform a column to PeriodIndex, you can use something like:

import pandas as pd

# DataFrame
data_frame = ...
# Set column as Index
data_frame.set_index('column_name', inplace=True)
# Transform index to PeriodIndex
data_frame.index = pd.to_datetime(data_frame.index, unit='s')
class influxdb_client.client.write.point.Point(measurement_name)[source]

Point defines the values that will be written to the database.

Ref: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/latest/reference/key-concepts/data-elements/#point

Initialize defaults.

field(field, value)[source]

Add field with key and value.

static from_dict(dictionary: dict, write_precision: influxdb_client.domain.write_precision.WritePrecision = 'ns', **kwargs)[source]

Initialize point from ‘dict’ structure.

The expected dict structure is:
  • measurement
  • tags
  • fields
  • time
# Use default dictionary structure
dict_structure = {
    "measurement": "h2o_feet",
    "tags": {"location": "coyote_creek"},
    "fields": {"water_level": 1.0},
    "time": 1
point = Point.from_dict(dict_structure, WritePrecision.NS)
# Use custom dictionary structure
dictionary = {
    "name": "sensor_pt859",
    "location": "warehouse_125",
    "version": "2021.06.05.5874",
    "pressure": 125,
    "temperature": 10,
    "created": 1632208639,
point = Point.from_dict(dictionary,
                        record_tag_keys=["location", "version"],
                        record_field_keys=["pressure", "temperature"])
  • dictionary – dictionary for serialize into data Point
  • write_precision – sets the precision for the supplied time values
Key record_measurement_key:

key of dictionary with specified measurement

Key record_measurement_name:

static measurement name for data Point

Key record_time_key:

key of dictionary with specified timestamp

Key record_tag_keys:

list of dictionary keys to use as a tag

Key record_field_keys:

list of dictionary keys to use as a field


new data point

static measurement(measurement)[source]

Create a new Point with specified measurement name.

classmethod set_str_rep(rep_function)[source]

Set the string representation for all Points.

tag(key, value)[source]

Add tag with key and value.

time(time, write_precision='ns')[source]

Specify timestamp for DataPoint with declared precision.

If time doesn’t have specified timezone we assume that timezone is UTC.

Point.measurement(“h2o”).field(“val”, 1).time(“2009-11-10T23:00:00.123456Z”) Point.measurement(“h2o”).field(“val”, 1).time(1257894000123456000) Point.measurement(“h2o”).field(“val”, 1).time(datetime(2009, 11, 10, 23, 0, 0, 123456)) Point.measurement(“h2o”).field(“val”, 1).time(1257894000123456000, write_precision=WritePrecision.NS)
  • time – the timestamp for your data
  • write_precision – sets the precision for the supplied time values

this point


Create LineProtocol.

param precision:
 required precision of LineProtocol. If it’s not set then use the precision from Point.

Get precision.

class influxdb_client.domain.write_precision.WritePrecision[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

WritePrecision - a model defined in OpenAPI.

NS = 'ns'
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


class influxdb_client.BucketsApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/buckets’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

create_bucket(bucket=None, bucket_name=None, org_id=None, retention_rules=None, description=None, org=None) → influxdb_client.domain.bucket.Bucket[source]

Create a bucket.

  • bucket (Bucket) – bucket to create
  • bucket_name – bucket name
  • description – bucket description
  • org_id – org_id
  • bucket_name – bucket name
  • retention_rules – retention rules array or single BucketRetentionRules
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for create the bucket; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.

Bucket If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread.


Delete a bucket.

Parameters:bucket – bucket id or Bucket

Find bucket by ID.


Find bucket by name.

Parameters:bucket_name – bucket name

List buckets.

Key int offset:Offset for pagination
Key int limit:Limit for pagination
Key str after:The last resource ID from which to seek from (but not including). This is to be used instead of offset.
Key str org:The organization name.
Key str org_id:The organization ID.
Key str name:Only returns buckets with a specific name.
update_bucket(bucket: influxdb_client.domain.bucket.Bucket) → influxdb_client.domain.bucket.Bucket[source]

Update a bucket.

Parameters:bucket – Bucket update to apply (required)
class influxdb_client.domain.Bucket(links=None, id=None, type='user', name=None, description=None, org_id=None, rp=None, schema_type=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None, retention_rules=None, labels=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Bucket - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the created_at of this Bucket.

Returns:The created_at of this Bucket.
Return type:datetime

Get the description of this Bucket.

Returns:The description of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the id of this Bucket.

Returns:The id of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the labels of this Bucket.

Returns:The labels of this Bucket.
Return type:list[Label]

Get the links of this Bucket.

Returns:The links of this Bucket.
Return type:BucketLinks

Get the name of this Bucket.

Returns:The name of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the org_id of this Bucket.

Returns:The org_id of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the retention_rules of this Bucket.

Rules to expire or retain data. No rules means data never expires.

Returns:The retention_rules of this Bucket.
Return type:list[BucketRetentionRules]

Get the rp of this Bucket.

Returns:The rp of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the schema_type of this Bucket.

Returns:The schema_type of this Bucket.
Return type:SchemaType

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


Get the type of this Bucket.

Returns:The type of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the updated_at of this Bucket.

Returns:The updated_at of this Bucket.
Return type:datetime


class influxdb_client.LabelsApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/labels’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

clone_label(cloned_name: str, label: influxdb_client.domain.label.Label) → influxdb_client.domain.label.Label[source]

Create the new instance of the label as a copy existing label.

  • cloned_name – new label name
  • label – existing label

clonned Label

create_label(name: str, org_id: str, properties: Dict[str, str] = None) → influxdb_client.domain.label.Label[source]

Create a new label.

  • name – label name
  • org_id – organization id
  • properties – optional label properties

created label

delete_label(label: Union[str, influxdb_client.domain.label.Label])[source]

Delete the label.

Parameters:label – label id or Label
find_label_by_id(label_id: str)[source]

Retrieve the label by id.

find_label_by_org(org_id) → List[influxdb_client.domain.label.Label][source]

Get the list of all labels for given organization.

Parameters:org_id – organization id
Returns:list of labels
find_labels(**kwargs) → List[influxdb_client.domain.label.Label][source]

Get all available labels.

Key str org_id:The organization ID.
update_label(label: influxdb_client.domain.label.Label)[source]

Update an existing label name and properties.

Parameters:label – label
Returns:the updated label


class influxdb_client.OrganizationsApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/orgs’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

create_organization(name: str = None, organization: influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization = None) → influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization[source]

Create an organization.

delete_organization(org_id: str)[source]

Delete an organization.


Retrieve an organization.


List all organizations.

Key int offset:Offset for pagination
Key int limit:Limit for pagination
Key bool descending:
Key str org:Filter organizations to a specific organization name.
Key str org_id:Filter organizations to a specific organization ID.
Key str user_id:
 Filter organizations to a specific user ID.

Return the current authenticated user.

update_organization(organization: influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization) → influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization[source]

Update an organization.

Parameters:organization – Organization update to apply (required)
class influxdb_client.domain.Organization(links=None, id=None, name=None, description=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None, status='active')[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Organization - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the created_at of this Organization.

Returns:The created_at of this Organization.
Return type:datetime

Get the description of this Organization.

Returns:The description of this Organization.
Return type:str

Get the id of this Organization.

Returns:The id of this Organization.
Return type:str

Get the links of this Organization.

Returns:The links of this Organization.
Return type:OrganizationLinks

Get the name of this Organization.

Returns:The name of this Organization.
Return type:str

Get the status of this Organization.

If inactive the organization is inactive.

Returns:The status of this Organization.
Return type:str

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


Get the updated_at of this Organization.

Returns:The updated_at of this Organization.
Return type:datetime


class influxdb_client.UsersApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/users’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

create_user(name: str) → influxdb_client.domain.user.User[source]

Create a user.

delete_user(user: Union[str, influxdb_client.domain.user.User, influxdb_client.domain.user_response.UserResponse]) → None[source]

Delete a user.

Parameters:user – user id or User
find_users(**kwargs) → influxdb_client.domain.users.Users[source]

List all users.

Key int offset:Offset for pagination
Key int limit:Limit for pagination
Key str after:The last resource ID from which to seek from (but not including). This is to be used instead of offset.
Key str name:The user name.
Key str id:The user ID.
me() → influxdb_client.domain.user.User[source]

Return the current authenticated user.

update_user(user: influxdb_client.domain.user.User) → influxdb_client.domain.user_response.UserResponse[source]

Update a user.

Parameters:user – User update to apply (required)
class influxdb_client.domain.User(id=None, oauth_id=None, name=None, status='active')[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

User - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the id of this User.

Returns:The id of this User.
Return type:str

Get the name of this User.

Returns:The name of this User.
Return type:str

Get the oauth_id of this User.

Returns:The oauth_id of this User.
Return type:str

Get the status of this User.

If inactive the user is inactive.

Returns:The status of this User.
Return type:str

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


class influxdb_client.TasksApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/tasks’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

add_label(label_id: str, task_id: str) → influxdb_client.domain.label_response.LabelResponse[source]

Add a label to a task.

add_member(member_id, task_id)[source]

Add a member to a task.

add_owner(owner_id, task_id)[source]

Add an owner to a task.

cancel_run(task_id: str, run_id: str)[source]

Cancel a currently running run.

  • task_id
  • run_id
clone_task(task: influxdb_client.domain.task.Task) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Clone a task.

create_task(task: influxdb_client.domain.task.Task = None, task_create_request: influxdb_client.domain.task_create_request.TaskCreateRequest = None) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Create a new task.

create_task_cron(name: str, flux: str, cron: str, org_id: str) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Create a new task with cron repetition schedule.

create_task_every(name, flux, every, organization) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Create a new task with every repetition schedule.

delete_label(label_id: str, task_id: str)[source]

Delete a label from a task.

delete_member(member_id, task_id)[source]

Remove a member from a task.

delete_owner(owner_id, task_id)[source]

Remove an owner from a task.

delete_task(task_id: str)[source]

Delete a task.

find_task_by_id(task_id) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Retrieve a task.


List all tasks.

Key str name:only returns tasks with the specified name
Key str after:returns tasks after specified ID
Key str user:filter tasks to a specific user ID
Key str org:filter tasks to a specific organization name
Key str org_id:filter tasks to a specific organization ID
Key int limit:the number of tasks to return

List all tasks by user.


List all labels for a task.

get_logs(task_id: str) → List[influxdb_client.domain.log_event.LogEvent][source]

Retrieve all logs for a task.

Parameters:task_id – task id
get_members(task_id: str)[source]

List all task members.


List all owners of a task.

get_run(task_id: str, run_id: str) → influxdb_client.domain.run.Run[source]

Get run record for specific task and run id.

  • task_id – task id
  • run_id – run id

Run for specified task and run id

get_run_logs(task_id: str, run_id: str) → List[influxdb_client.domain.log_event.LogEvent][source]

Retrieve all logs for a run.

get_runs(task_id, **kwargs) → List[influxdb_client.domain.run.Run][source]

Retrieve list of run records for a task.

  • task_id – task id
  • after (str) – returns runs after specified ID
  • limit (int) – the number of runs to return
  • after_time (datetime) – filter runs to those scheduled after this time, RFC3339
  • before_time (datetime) – filter runs to those scheduled before this time, RFC3339
retry_run(task_id: str, run_id: str)[source]

Retry a task run.

  • task_id – task id
  • run_id – run id
run_manually(task_id: str, scheduled_for: <module 'datetime' from '/home/docs/.pyenv/versions/3.6.12/lib/python3.6/datetime.py'> = None)[source]

Manually start a run of the task now overriding the current schedule.

  • task_id
  • scheduled_for – planned execution
update_task(task: influxdb_client.domain.task.Task) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Update a task.

update_task_request(task_id, task_update_request: influxdb_client.domain.task_update_request.TaskUpdateRequest) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Update a task.

class influxdb_client.domain.Task(id=None, type=None, org_id=None, org=None, name=None, owner_id=None, description=None, status=None, labels=None, authorization_id=None, flux=None, every=None, cron=None, offset=None, latest_completed=None, last_run_status=None, last_run_error=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None, links=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Task - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the authorization_id of this Task.

The ID of the authorization used when the task communicates with the query engine.

Returns:The authorization_id of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the created_at of this Task.

Returns:The created_at of this Task.
Return type:datetime

Get the cron of this Task.

[Cron expression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron#Overview) that defines the schedule on which the task runs. InfluxDB bases cron runs on the system time.

Returns:The cron of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the description of this Task.

The description of the task.

Returns:The description of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the every of this Task.

An interval ([duration literal](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/spec/lexical-elements/#duration-literals))) at which the task runs. every also determines when the task first runs, depending on the specified time.

Returns:The every of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the flux of this Task.

The Flux script to run for this task.

Returns:The flux of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the id of this Task.

Returns:The id of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the labels of this Task.

Returns:The labels of this Task.
Return type:list[Label]

Get the last_run_error of this Task.

Returns:The last_run_error of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the last_run_status of this Task.

Returns:The last_run_status of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the latest_completed of this Task.

A timestamp ([RFC3339 date/time format](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/data-types/basic/time/#time-syntax)) of the latest scheduled and completed run.

Returns:The latest_completed of this Task.
Return type:datetime

Get the links of this Task.

Returns:The links of this Task.
Return type:TaskLinks

Get the name of this Task.

The name of the task.

Returns:The name of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the offset of this Task.

A [duration](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/spec/lexical-elements/#duration-literals) to delay execution of the task after the scheduled time has elapsed. 0 removes the offset.

Returns:The offset of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the org of this Task.

The name of the organization that owns the task.

Returns:The org of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the org_id of this Task.

The ID of the organization that owns the task.

Returns:The org_id of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the owner_id of this Task.

The ID of the user who owns this Task.

Returns:The owner_id of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the status of this Task.

Returns:The status of this Task.
Return type:TaskStatusType

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


Get the type of this Task.

The type of the task, useful for filtering a task list.

Returns:The type of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the updated_at of this Task.

Returns:The updated_at of this Task.
Return type:datetime


class influxdb_client.InvokableScriptsApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Use API invokable scripts to create custom InfluxDB API endpoints that query, process, and shape data.

Initialize defaults.

create_script(create_request: influxdb_client.domain.script_create_request.ScriptCreateRequest) → influxdb_client.domain.script.Script[source]

Create a script.

Parameters:create_request (ScriptCreateRequest) – The script to create. (required)
Returns:The created script.
delete_script(script_id: str) → None[source]

Delete a script.

Parameters:script_id (str) – The ID of the script to delete. (required)

List scripts.

Key int limit:The number of scripts to return.
Key int offset:The offset for pagination.
Returns:List of scripts.
Return type:list[Script]
invoke_script(script_id: str, params: dict = None) → List[influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxTable][source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return result as a List[‘FluxTable’].

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • params – bind parameters

List of FluxTable.

Return type:


invoke_script_csv(script_id: str, params: dict = None) → Iterator[List[str]][source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return result as a CSV iterator.

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • params – bind parameters

The returned object is an iterator. Each iteration returns a row of the CSV file (which can span multiple input lines).

invoke_script_data_frame(script_id: str, params: dict = None, data_frame_index: List[str] = None)[source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return Pandas DataFrame.

Note that if a script returns tables with differing schemas than the client generates a DataFrame for each of them.

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • data_frame_index (List[str]) – The list of columns that are used as DataFrame index.
  • params – bind parameters

Pandas DataFrame.

invoke_script_data_frame_stream(script_id: str, params: dict = None, data_frame_index: List[str] = None)[source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return stream of Pandas DataFrame as a Generator[‘pd.DataFrame’].

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • data_frame_index (List[str]) – The list of columns that are used as DataFrame index.
  • params – bind parameters

Stream of Pandas DataFrames.

Return type:


invoke_script_raw(script_id: str, params: dict = None) → Iterator[List[str]][source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return result as raw unprocessed result as a str.

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • params – bind parameters

Result as a str.

invoke_script_stream(script_id: str, params: dict = None) → Generator[[influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxRecord, Any], None][source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return result as a Generator[‘FluxRecord’].

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • params – bind parameters

Stream of FluxRecord.

Return type:


update_script(script_id: str, update_request: influxdb_client.domain.script_update_request.ScriptUpdateRequest) → influxdb_client.domain.script.Script[source]

Update a script.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to update. (required)
  • update_request (ScriptUpdateRequest) – Script updates to apply (required)

The updated.

class influxdb_client.domain.Script(id=None, name=None, description=None, org_id=None, script=None, language=None, url=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Script - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the created_at of this Script.

Returns:The created_at of this Script.
Return type:datetime

Get the description of this Script.

Returns:The description of this Script.
Return type:str

Get the id of this Script.

Returns:The id of this Script.
Return type:str

Get the language of this Script.

Returns:The language of this Script.
Return type:ScriptLanguage

Get the name of this Script.

Returns:The name of this Script.
Return type:str

Get the org_id of this Script.

Returns:The org_id of this Script.
Return type:str

Get the script of this Script.

script to be executed

Returns:The script of this Script.
Return type:str

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


Get the updated_at of this Script.

Returns:The updated_at of this Script.
Return type:datetime

Get the url of this Script.

invocation endpoint address

Returns:The url of this Script.
Return type:str
class influxdb_client.domain.ScriptCreateRequest(name=None, description=None, script=None, language=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

ScriptCreateRequest - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the description of this ScriptCreateRequest.

Returns:The description of this ScriptCreateRequest.
Return type:str

Get the language of this ScriptCreateRequest.

Returns:The language of this ScriptCreateRequest.
Return type:ScriptLanguage

Get the name of this ScriptCreateRequest.

The name of the script. The name must be unique within the organization.

Returns:The name of this ScriptCreateRequest.
Return type:str

Get the script of this ScriptCreateRequest.

The script to execute.

Returns:The script of this ScriptCreateRequest.
Return type:str

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


class influxdb_client.DeleteApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/delete’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

delete(start: Union[str, datetime.datetime], stop: Union[str, datetime.datetime], predicate: str, bucket: str, org: Union[str, influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization, None] = None) → None[source]

Delete Time series data from InfluxDB.

  • datetime.datetime start (str,) – start time
  • datetime.datetime stop (str,) – stop time
  • predicate (str) – predicate
  • bucket (str) – bucket id or name from which data will be deleted
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization to delete data from. Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.

class influxdb_client.domain.DeletePredicateRequest(start=None, stop=None, predicate=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

DeletePredicateRequest - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the predicate of this DeletePredicateRequest.

An expression in [delete predicate syntax](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.2/reference/syntax/delete-predicate/).

Returns:The predicate of this DeletePredicateRequest.
Return type:str

Get the start of this DeletePredicateRequest.

A timestamp ([RFC3339 date/time format](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/data-types/basic/time/#time-syntax)).

Returns:The start of this DeletePredicateRequest.
Return type:datetime

Get the stop of this DeletePredicateRequest.

A timestamp ([RFC3339 date/time format](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/data-types/basic/time/#time-syntax)).

Returns:The stop of this DeletePredicateRequest.
Return type:datetime

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


class influxdb_client.client.util.date_utils.DateHelper(timezone: datetime.tzinfo = datetime.timezone.utc)[source]

DateHelper to groups different implementations of date operations.

If you would like to serialize the query results to custom timezone, you can use following code:

from influxdb_client.client.util import date_utils
from influxdb_client.client.util.date_utils import DateHelper
import dateutil.parser
from dateutil import tz

def parse_date(date_string: str):
    return dateutil.parser.parse(date_string).astimezone(tz.gettz('ETC/GMT+2'))

date_utils.date_helper = DateHelper()
date_utils.date_helper.parse_date = parse_date

Initialize defaults.

Parameters:timezone – Default timezone used for serialization “datetime” without “tzinfo”. Default value is “UTC”.
parse_date(date_string: str)[source]

Parse string into Date or Timestamp.

Returns:Returns a datetime.datetime object or compliant implementation like class 'pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp

Get number of nanoseconds in timedelta.

Solution comes from v1 client. Thx. https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-python/pull/811

to_utc(value: <module 'datetime' from '/home/docs/.pyenv/versions/3.6.12/lib/python3.6/datetime.py'>)[source]

Convert datetime to UTC timezone.

Parameters:value – datetime
Returns:datetime in UTC
class influxdb_client.client.util.multiprocessing_helper.MultiprocessingWriter(**kwargs)[source]

The Helper class to write data into InfluxDB in independent OS process.

from influxdb_client import WriteOptions
from influxdb_client.client.util.multiprocessing_helper import MultiprocessingWriter

def main():
    writer = MultiprocessingWriter(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org",

    for x in range(1, 1000):
        writer.write(bucket="my-bucket", record=f"mem,tag=a value={x}i {x}")


if __name__ == '__main__':
How to use with context_manager:
from influxdb_client import WriteOptions
from influxdb_client.client.util.multiprocessing_helper import MultiprocessingWriter

def main():
    with MultiprocessingWriter(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org",
                               write_options=WriteOptions(batch_size=100)) as writer:
        for x in range(1, 1000):
            writer.write(bucket="my-bucket", record=f"mem,tag=a value={x}i {x}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
How to handle batch events:
from influxdb_client import WriteOptions
from influxdb_client.client.exceptions import InfluxDBError
from influxdb_client.client.util.multiprocessing_helper import MultiprocessingWriter

class BatchingCallback(object):

    def success(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str):
        print(f"Written batch: {conf}, data: {data}")

    def error(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str, exception: InfluxDBError):
        print(f"Cannot write batch: {conf}, data: {data} due: {exception}")

    def retry(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str, exception: InfluxDBError):
        print(f"Retryable error occurs for batch: {conf}, data: {data} retry: {exception}")

def main():
    callback = BatchingCallback()
    with MultiprocessingWriter(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org",
                               retry_callback=callback.retry) as writer:

        for x in range(1, 1000):
            writer.write(bucket="my-bucket", record=f"mem,tag=a value={x}i {x}")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Initialize defaults.

For more information how to initialize the writer see the examples above.

Parameters:kwargs – arguments are passed into __init__ function of InfluxDBClient and write_api.

Initialize InfluxDBClient and waits for data to writes into InfluxDB.

start() → None[source]

Start independent process for writing data into InfluxDB.

terminate() → None[source]

Cleanup resources in independent process.

This function cannot be used to terminate the MultiprocessingWriter. If you want to finish your writes please call: __del__.

write(**kwargs) → None[source]

Append time-series data into underlying queue.

For more information how to pass arguments see the examples above.

Parameters:kwargs – arguments are passed into write function of WriteApi