Async API Reference


class influxdb_client.client.write_api_async.WriteApiAsync(influxdb_client, point_settings: influxdb_client.client.write_api.PointSettings = <influxdb_client.client.write_api.PointSettings object>)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/write’ endpoint.

from influxdb_client_async import InfluxDBClientAsync

# Initialize async/await instance of Write API
async with InfluxDBClientAsync(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:
    write_api = client.write_api()

Initialize defaults.

  • influxdb_client – with default settings (organization)
  • point_settings – settings to store default tags.
write(bucket: str, org: str = None, record: Union[str, Iterable[str], influxdb_client.client.write.point.Point, Iterable[Point], dict, Iterable[dict], bytes, Iterable[bytes], NamedTuple, Iterable[NamedTuple], dataclass, Iterable[dataclass]] = None, write_precision: influxdb_client.domain.write_precision.WritePrecision = 'ns', **kwargs) → bool[source]

Write time-series data into InfluxDB.

  • bucket (str) – specifies the destination bucket for writes (required)
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the destination organization for writes; take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from is used.
  • write_precision (WritePrecision) – specifies the precision for the unix timestamps within the body line-protocol. The precision specified on a Point has precedes and is use for write.
  • record – Point, Line Protocol, Dictionary, NamedTuple, Data Classes, Pandas DataFrame
Key data_frame_measurement_name:

name of measurement for writing Pandas DataFrame - DataFrame

Key data_frame_tag_columns:

list of DataFrame columns which are tags, rest columns will be fields - DataFrame

Key data_frame_timestamp_column:

name of DataFrame column which contains a timestamp. The column can be defined as a str value formatted as 2018-10-26, 2018-10-26 12:00, 2018-10-26 12:00:00-05:00 or other formats and types supported by pandas.to_datetime - DataFrame

Key data_frame_timestamp_timezone:

name of the timezone which is used for timestamp column - DataFrame

Key record_measurement_key:

key of record with specified measurement - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_measurement_name:

static measurement name - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_time_key:

key of record with specified timestamp - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_tag_keys:

list of record keys to use as a tag - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_field_keys:

list of record keys to use as a field - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass


True for successfully accepted data, otherwise raise an exception

# Record as Line Protocol
await write_api.write("my-bucket", "my-org", "h2o_feet,location=us-west level=125i 1")

# Record as Dictionary
dictionary = {
    "measurement": "h2o_feet",
    "tags": {"location": "us-west"},
    "fields": {"level": 125},
    "time": 1
await write_api.write("my-bucket", "my-org", dictionary)

# Record as Point
from influxdb_client import Point
point = Point("h2o_feet").tag("location", "us-west").field("level", 125).time(1)
await write_api.write("my-bucket", "my-org", point)

If the data_frame_timestamp_column is not specified the index of Pandas DataFrame is used as a timestamp for written data. The index can be PeriodIndex or its must be transformable to datetime by pandas.to_datetime.

If you would like to transform a column to PeriodIndex, you can use something like:

import pandas as pd

# DataFrame
data_frame = ...
# Set column as Index
data_frame.set_index('column_name', inplace=True)
# Transform index to PeriodIndex
data_frame.index = pd.to_datetime(data_frame.index, unit='s')


class influxdb_client.client.delete_api_async.DeleteApiAsync(influxdb_client)[source]

Async implementation for ‘/api/v2/delete’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

delete(start: Union[str, datetime.datetime], stop: Union[str, datetime.datetime], predicate: str, bucket: str, org: Union[str, influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization, None] = None) → bool[source]

Delete Time series data from InfluxDB.

  • datetime.datetime start (str,) – start time
  • datetime.datetime stop (str,) – stop time
  • predicate (str) – predicate
  • bucket (str) – bucket id or name from which data will be deleted
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization to delete data from. Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from is used.

True for successfully deleted data, otherwise raise an exception