API Reference


class influxdb_client.InfluxDBClient(url, token: str = None, debug=None, timeout=10000, enable_gzip=False, org: str = None, default_tags: dict = None, **kwargs)[source]

InfluxDBClient is client for InfluxDB v2.

Initialize defaults.

  • url – InfluxDB server API url (ex. http://localhost:8086).
  • tokentoken to authenticate to the InfluxDB API
  • debug – enable verbose logging of http requests
  • timeout – HTTP client timeout setting for a request specified in milliseconds. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.
  • enable_gzip – Enable Gzip compression for http requests. Currently, only the “Write” and “Query” endpoints supports the Gzip compression.
  • org – organization name (used as a default in Query, Write and Delete API)
Key bool verify_ssl:

Set this to false to skip verifying SSL certificate when calling API from https server.

Key str ssl_ca_cert:

Set this to customize the certificate file to verify the peer.

Key str cert_file:

Path to the certificate that will be used for mTLS authentication.

Key str cert_key_file:

Path to the file contains private key for mTLS certificate.

Key str cert_key_password:

String or function which returns password for decrypting the mTLS private key.

Key ssl.SSLContext ssl_context:

Specify a custom Python SSL Context for the TLS/ mTLS handshake. Be aware that only delivered certificate/ key files or an SSL Context are possible.

Key str proxy:

Set this to configure the http proxy to be used (ex. http://localhost:3128)

Key str proxy_headers:

A dictionary containing headers that will be sent to the proxy. Could be used for proxy authentication.

Key int connection_pool_maxsize:

Number of connections to save that can be reused by urllib3. Defaults to “multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 5”.

Key urllib3.util.retry.Retry retries:

Set the default retry strategy that is used for all HTTP requests except batching writes. As a default there is no one retry strategy.

Key bool auth_basic:

Set this to true to enable basic authentication when talking to a InfluxDB 1.8.x that does not use auth-enabled but is protected by a reverse proxy with basic authentication. (defaults to false, don’t set to true when talking to InfluxDB 2)

Key str username:

username to authenticate via username and password credentials to the InfluxDB 2.x

Key str password:

password to authenticate via username and password credentials to the InfluxDB 2.x

Key list[str] profilers:

list of enabled Flux profilers

authorizations_api() → influxdb_client.client.authorizations_api.AuthorizationsApi[source]

Create the Authorizations API instance.

Returns:authorizations api
buckets_api() → influxdb_client.client.bucket_api.BucketsApi[source]

Create the Bucket API instance.

Returns:buckets api
build() → str[source]

Return the build type of the connected InfluxDB Server.

Returns:The type of InfluxDB build.

Shutdown the client.

delete_api() → influxdb_client.client.delete_api.DeleteApi[source]

Get the delete metrics API instance.

Returns:delete api
classmethod from_config_file(config_file: str = 'config.ini', debug=None, enable_gzip=False, **kwargs)[source]

Configure client via configuration file. The configuration has to be under ‘influx’ section.

  • config_file – Path to configuration file
  • debug – Enable verbose logging of http requests
  • enable_gzip – Enable Gzip compression for http requests. Currently, only the “Write” and “Query” endpoints supports the Gzip compression.
Key str proxy_headers:

A dictionary containing headers that will be sent to the proxy. Could be used for proxy authentication.

Key urllib3.util.retry.Retry retries:

Set the default retry strategy that is used for all HTTP requests except batching writes. As a default there is no one retry strategy.

Key ssl.SSLContext ssl_context:

Specify a custom Python SSL Context for the TLS/ mTLS handshake. Be aware that only delivered certificate/ key files or an SSL Context are possible.

The supported formats:
Configuration options:
  • url
  • org
  • token
  • timeout,
  • verify_ssl
  • ssl_ca_cert
  • cert_file
  • cert_key_file
  • cert_key_password
  • connection_pool_maxsize
  • auth_basic
  • profilers
  • proxy

config.ini example:


id = 132-987-655
customer = California Miner
data_center = ${env.data_center}

config.toml example:

    url = "http://localhost:8086"
    token = "my-token"
    org = "my-org"
    timeout = 6000
    connection_pool_maxsize = 25
    auth_basic = false
    profilers="query, operator"
    proxy = "http://proxy.domain.org:8080"

    id = "132-987-655"
    customer = "California Miner"
    data_center = "${env.data_center}"

config.json example:

    "url": "http://localhost:8086",
    "token": "my-token",
    "org": "my-org",
    "active": true,
    "timeout": 6000,
    "connection_pool_maxsize": 55,
    "auth_basic": false,
    "profilers": "query, operator",
    "tags": {
        "id": "132-987-655",
        "customer": "California Miner",
        "data_center": "${env.data_center}"
classmethod from_env_properties(debug=None, enable_gzip=False, **kwargs)[source]

Configure client via environment properties.

  • debug – Enable verbose logging of http requests
  • enable_gzip – Enable Gzip compression for http requests. Currently, only the “Write” and “Query” endpoints supports the Gzip compression.
Key str proxy:

Set this to configure the http proxy to be used (ex. http://localhost:3128)

Key str proxy_headers:

A dictionary containing headers that will be sent to the proxy. Could be used for proxy authentication.

Key urllib3.util.retry.Retry retries:

Set the default retry strategy that is used for all HTTP requests except batching writes. As a default there is no one retry strategy.

Key ssl.SSLContext ssl_context:

Specify a custom Python SSL Context for the TLS/ mTLS handshake. Be aware that only delivered certificate/ key files or an SSL Context are possible.

Supported environment properties:
health() → influxdb_client.domain.health_check.HealthCheck[source]

Get the health of an instance.

invokable_scripts_api() → influxdb_client.client.invokable_scripts_api.InvokableScriptsApi[source]

Create an InvokableScripts API instance.

Returns:InvokableScripts API instance
labels_api() → influxdb_client.client.labels_api.LabelsApi[source]

Create the Labels API instance.

Returns:labels api
organizations_api() → influxdb_client.client.organizations_api.OrganizationsApi[source]

Create the Organizations API instance.

Returns:organizations api
ping() → bool[source]

Return the status of InfluxDB instance.

Returns:The status of InfluxDB.
query_api(query_options: influxdb_client.client.query_api.QueryOptions = <influxdb_client.client.query_api.QueryOptions object>) → influxdb_client.client.query_api.QueryApi[source]

Create an Query API instance.

Parameters:query_options – optional query api configuration
Returns:Query api instance
ready() → influxdb_client.domain.ready.Ready[source]

Get The readiness of the InfluxDB 2.0.

tasks_api() → influxdb_client.client.tasks_api.TasksApi[source]

Create the Tasks API instance.

Returns:tasks api
users_api() → influxdb_client.client.users_api.UsersApi[source]

Create the Users API instance.

Returns:users api
version() → str[source]

Return the version of the connected InfluxDB Server.

Returns:The version of InfluxDB.
write_api(write_options=<influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteOptions object>, point_settings=<influxdb_client.client.write_api.PointSettings object>, **kwargs) → influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteApi[source]

Create Write API instance.

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient
from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS

# Initialize SYNCHRONOUS instance of WriteApi
with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:
    write_api = client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS)

If you would like to use a background batching, you have to configure client like this:

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient

# Initialize background batching instance of WriteApi
with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:
    with client.write_api() as write_api:

There is also possibility to use callbacks to notify about state of background batches:

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient
from influxdb_client.client.exceptions import InfluxDBError

class BatchingCallback(object):

    def success(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str):
        print(f"Written batch: {conf}, data: {data}")

    def error(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str, exception: InfluxDBError):
        print(f"Cannot write batch: {conf}, data: {data} due: {exception}")

    def retry(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str, exception: InfluxDBError):
        print(f"Retryable error occurs for batch: {conf}, data: {data} retry: {exception}")

with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:
    callback = BatchingCallback()
    with client.write_api(success_callback=callback.success,
                          retry_callback=callback.retry) as write_api:
  • write_options – Write API configuration
  • point_settings – settings to store default tags
Key success_callback:

The callable callback to run after successfully writen a batch.

The callable must accept two arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data

[batching mode]

Key error_callback:

The callable callback to run after unsuccessfully writen a batch.

The callable must accept three arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data
  • Exception: an occurred error

[batching mode]

Key retry_callback:

The callable callback to run after retryable error occurred.

The callable must accept three arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data
  • Exception: an retryable error

[batching mode]


write api instance


class influxdb_client.QueryApi(influxdb_client, query_options=<influxdb_client.client.query_api.QueryOptions object>)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/query’ endpoint.

Initialize query client.

Parameters:influxdb_client – influxdb client
query(query: str, org=None, params: dict = None) → influxdb_client.client.flux_table.TableList[source]

Execute synchronous Flux query and return result as a FluxTable list.

  • query – the Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • params – bind parameters

FluxTable list wrapped into TableList

Return type:


Serialization the query results to flattened list of values via to_values():

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient

with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:

    # Query: using Table structure
    tables = client.query_api().query('from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start: -10m)')

    # Serialize to values
    output = tables.to_values(columns=['location', '_time', '_value'])
    ['New York', datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 7, 11, 3, 22, 917593, tzinfo=tzutc()), 24.3],
    ['Prague', datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 7, 11, 3, 22, 917593, tzinfo=tzutc()), 25.3],

Serialization the query results to JSON via to_json():

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient

with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:

    # Query: using Table structure
    tables = client.query_api().query('from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start: -10m)')

    # Serialize to JSON
    output = tables.to_json(indent=5)
        "_measurement": "mem",
        "_start": "2021-06-23T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_stop": "2021-06-25T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_time": "2020-02-27T16:20:00.897825+00:00",
        "region": "north",
         "_field": "usage",
        "_value": 15
        "_measurement": "mem",
        "_start": "2021-06-23T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_stop": "2021-06-25T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_time": "2020-02-27T16:20:01.897825+00:00",
        "region": "west",
         "_field": "usage",
        "_value": 10
query_csv(query: str, org=None, dialect: influxdb_client.domain.dialect.Dialect = {'annotations': ['datatype', 'group', 'default'], 'comment_prefix': '#', 'date_time_format': 'RFC3339', 'delimiter': ',', 'header': True}, params: dict = None) → influxdb_client.client.flux_table.CSVIterator[source]

Execute the Flux query and return results as a CSV iterator. Each iteration returns a row of the CSV file.

  • query – a Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • dialect – csv dialect format
  • params – bind parameters

Iterator[List[str]] wrapped into CSVIterator

Return type:


Serialization the query results to flattened list of values via to_values():

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient

with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:

    # Query: using CSV iterator
    csv_iterator = client.query_api().query_csv('from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start: -10m)')

    # Serialize to values
    output = csv_iterator.to_values()
    ['#datatype', 'string', 'long', 'dateTime:RFC3339', 'dateTime:RFC3339', 'dateTime:RFC3339', 'double', 'string', 'string', 'string']
    ['#group', 'false', 'false', 'true', 'true', 'false', 'false', 'true', 'true', 'true']
    ['#default', '_result', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
    ['', 'result', 'table', '_start', '_stop', '_time', '_value', '_field', '_measurement', 'location']
    ['', '', '0', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '24.3', 'temperature', 'my_measurement', 'New York']
    ['', '', '1', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '25.3', 'temperature', 'my_measurement', 'Prague']

If you would like to turn off Annotated CSV header’s you can use following code:

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient, Dialect

with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:

    # Query: using CSV iterator
    csv_iterator = client.query_api().query_csv('from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start: -10m)',
                                                dialect=Dialect(header=False, annotations=[]))

    for csv_line in csv_iterator:
    ['', '_result', '0', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '24.3', 'temperature', 'my_measurement', 'New York']
    ['', '_result', '1', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '25.3', 'temperature', 'my_measurement', 'Prague']
query_data_frame(query: str, org=None, data_frame_index: List[str] = None, params: dict = None)[source]

Execute synchronous Flux query and return Pandas DataFrame.


If the query returns tables with differing schemas than the client generates a DataFrame for each of them.

  • query – the Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • data_frame_index – the list of columns that are used as DataFrame index
  • params – bind parameters

DataFrame or List[DataFrame]


For the optimal processing of the query results use the pivot() function which align results as a table.

    |> range(start: -5m, stop: now())
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "mem")
    |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
For more info see:
query_data_frame_stream(query: str, org=None, data_frame_index: List[str] = None, params: dict = None)[source]

Execute synchronous Flux query and return stream of Pandas DataFrame as a Generator[DataFrame].


If the query returns tables with differing schemas than the client generates a DataFrame for each of them.

  • query – the Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • data_frame_index – the list of columns that are used as DataFrame index
  • params – bind parameters



For the optimal processing of the query results use the pivot() function which align results as a table.

    |> range(start: -5m, stop: now())
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "mem")
    |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
For more info see:
query_raw(query: str, org=None, dialect={'annotations': ['datatype', 'group', 'default'], 'comment_prefix': '#', 'date_time_format': 'RFC3339', 'delimiter': ',', 'header': True}, params: dict = None)[source]

Execute synchronous Flux query and return result as raw unprocessed result as a str.

  • query – a Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • dialect – csv dialect format
  • params – bind parameters


query_stream(query: str, org=None, params: dict = None) → Generator[influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxRecord, Any, None][source]

Execute synchronous Flux query and return stream of FluxRecord as a Generator[‘FluxRecord’].

  • query – the Flux query
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for executing the query; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • params – bind parameters


class influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxTable[source]

A table is set of records with a common set of columns and a group key.

The table can be serialized into JSON by:

import json
from influxdb_client.client.flux_table import FluxStructureEncoder

output = json.dumps(tables, cls=FluxStructureEncoder, indent=2)

Initialize defaults.


Group key is a list of columns.

A table’s group key denotes which subset of the entire dataset is assigned to the table.

class influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxRecord(table, values=None)[source]

A record is a tuple of named values and is represented using an object type.

Initialize defaults.


Get field name.


Get measurement name.


Get ‘_start’ value.


Get ‘_stop’ value.


Get timestamp.


Get field value.

class influxdb_client.client.flux_table.TableList[source]

FluxTable list with additionally functional to better handle of query result.

to_json(columns: List[str] = None, **kwargs) → str[source]

Serialize query results to a JSON formatted str.

Parameters:columns – if not None then only specified columns are presented in results

The query results is flattened to array:

        "_measurement": "mem",
        "_start": "2021-06-23T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_stop": "2021-06-25T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_time": "2020-02-27T16:20:00.897825+00:00",
        "region": "north",
         "_field": "usage",
        "_value": 15
        "_measurement": "mem",
        "_start": "2021-06-23T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_stop": "2021-06-25T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_time": "2020-02-27T16:20:01.897825+00:00",
        "region": "west",
         "_field": "usage",
        "_value": 10

The JSON format could be configured via **kwargs arguments:

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient

with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:

    # Query: using Table structure
    tables = client.query_api().query('from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start: -10m)')

    # Serialize to JSON
    output = tables.to_json(indent=5)

For all available options see - json.dump.

to_values(columns: List[str] = None) → List[List[object]][source]

Serialize query results to a flattened list of values.

Parameters:columns – if not None then only specified columns are presented in results
Returns:list of values

Output example:

    ['New York', datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 7, 11, 3, 22, 917593, tzinfo=tzutc()), 24.3],
    ['Prague', datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 7, 11, 3, 22, 917593, tzinfo=tzutc()), 25.3],

Configure required columns:

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient

    with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:

    # Query: using Table structure
    tables = client.query_api().query('from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start: -10m)')

    # Serialize to values
    output = tables.to_values(columns=['location', '_time', '_value'])
class influxdb_client.client.flux_table.CSVIterator(response: http.client.HTTPResponse)[source]

Iterator[List[str]] with additionally functional to better handle of query result.

Initialize csv.reader.

to_values() → List[List[str]][source]

Serialize query results to a flattened list of values.

Returns:list of values

Output example:

    ['New York', '2022-06-14T08:00:51.749072045Z', '24.3'],
    ['Prague', '2022-06-14T08:00:51.749072045Z', '25.3'],


class influxdb_client.WriteApi(influxdb_client, write_options: influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteOptions = <influxdb_client.client.write_api.WriteOptions object>, point_settings: influxdb_client.client.write_api.PointSettings = <influxdb_client.client.write_api.PointSettings object>, **kwargs)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/write’ endpoint.

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient
from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS

# Initialize SYNCHRONOUS instance of WriteApi
with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:
    write_api = client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS)

Initialize defaults.

  • influxdb_client – with default settings (organization)
  • write_options – write api configuration
  • point_settings – settings to store default tags.
Key success_callback:

The callable callback to run after successfully writen a batch.

The callable must accept two arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data

[batching mode]

Key error_callback:

The callable callback to run after unsuccessfully writen a batch.

The callable must accept three arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data
  • Exception: an occurred error

[batching mode]

Key retry_callback:

The callable callback to run after retryable error occurred.

The callable must accept three arguments:
  • Tuple: (bucket, organization, precision)
  • str: written data
  • Exception: an retryable error

[batching mode]


Flush data and dispose a batching buffer.


Flush data.

write(bucket: str, org: str = None, record: Union[str, Iterable[str], influxdb_client.client.write.point.Point, Iterable[Point], dict, Iterable[dict], bytes, Iterable[bytes], reactivex.observable.observable.Observable, NamedTuple, Iterable[NamedTuple], dataclass, Iterable[dataclass]] = None, write_precision: influxdb_client.domain.write_precision.WritePrecision = 'ns', **kwargs) → Any[source]

Write time-series data into InfluxDB.

  • bucket (str) – specifies the destination bucket for writes (required)
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the destination organization for writes; take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.
  • write_precision (WritePrecision) – specifies the precision for the unix timestamps within the body line-protocol. The precision specified on a Point has precedes and is use for write.
  • record – Point, Line Protocol, Dictionary, NamedTuple, Data Classes, Pandas DataFrame or RxPY Observable to write
Key data_frame_measurement_name:

name of measurement for writing Pandas DataFrame - DataFrame

Key data_frame_tag_columns:

list of DataFrame columns which are tags, rest columns will be fields - DataFrame

Key data_frame_timestamp_column:

name of DataFrame column which contains a timestamp. The column can be defined as a str value formatted as 2018-10-26, 2018-10-26 12:00, 2018-10-26 12:00:00-05:00 or other formats and types supported by pandas.to_datetime - DataFrame

Key data_frame_timestamp_timezone:

name of the timezone which is used for timestamp column - DataFrame

Key record_measurement_key:

key of record with specified measurement - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_measurement_name:

static measurement name - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_time_key:

key of record with specified timestamp - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_tag_keys:

list of record keys to use as a tag - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

Key record_field_keys:

list of record keys to use as a field - dictionary, NamedTuple, dataclass

# Record as Line Protocol
write_api.write("my-bucket", "my-org", "h2o_feet,location=us-west level=125i 1")

# Record as Dictionary
dictionary = {
    "measurement": "h2o_feet",
    "tags": {"location": "us-west"},
    "fields": {"level": 125},
    "time": 1
write_api.write("my-bucket", "my-org", dictionary)

# Record as Point
from influxdb_client import Point
point = Point("h2o_feet").tag("location", "us-west").field("level", 125).time(1)
write_api.write("my-bucket", "my-org", point)

If the data_frame_timestamp_column is not specified the index of Pandas DataFrame is used as a timestamp for written data. The index can be PeriodIndex or its must be transformable to datetime by pandas.to_datetime.

If you would like to transform a column to PeriodIndex, you can use something like:

import pandas as pd

# DataFrame
data_frame = ...
# Set column as Index
data_frame.set_index('column_name', inplace=True)
# Transform index to PeriodIndex
data_frame.index = pd.to_datetime(data_frame.index, unit='s')
class influxdb_client.client.write.point.Point(measurement_name)[source]

Point defines the values that will be written to the database.

Ref: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/latest/reference/key-concepts/data-elements/#point

Initialize defaults.

field(field, value)[source]

Add field with key and value.

static from_dict(dictionary: dict, write_precision: influxdb_client.domain.write_precision.WritePrecision = 'ns', **kwargs)[source]

Initialize point from ‘dict’ structure.

The expected dict structure is:
  • measurement
  • tags
  • fields
  • time
# Use default dictionary structure
dict_structure = {
    "measurement": "h2o_feet",
    "tags": {"location": "coyote_creek"},
    "fields": {"water_level": 1.0},
    "time": 1
point = Point.from_dict(dict_structure, WritePrecision.NS)
# Use custom dictionary structure
dictionary = {
    "name": "sensor_pt859",
    "location": "warehouse_125",
    "version": "2021.06.05.5874",
    "pressure": 125,
    "temperature": 10,
    "created": 1632208639,
point = Point.from_dict(dictionary,
                        record_tag_keys=["location", "version"],
                        record_field_keys=["pressure", "temperature"])
Int Types:

The following example shows how to configure the types of integers fields. It is useful when you want to serialize integers always as float to avoid field type conflict or use unsigned 64-bit integer as the type for serialization.

# Use custom dictionary structure
dict_structure = {
    "measurement": "h2o_feet",
    "tags": {"location": "coyote_creek"},
    "fields": {
        "water_level": 1.0,
        "some_counter": 108913123234
    "time": 1

point = Point.from_dict(dict_structure, field_types={"some_counter": "uint"})
  • dictionary – dictionary for serialize into data Point
  • write_precision – sets the precision for the supplied time values
Key record_measurement_key:

key of dictionary with specified measurement

Key record_measurement_name:

static measurement name for data Point

Key record_time_key:

key of dictionary with specified timestamp

Key record_tag_keys:

list of dictionary keys to use as a tag

Key record_field_keys:

list of dictionary keys to use as a field

Key field_types:

optional dictionary to specify types of serialized fields. Currently, is supported customization for integer types. Possible integers types:

  • int - serialize integers as “Signed 64-bit integers” - 9223372036854775807i (default behaviour)
  • uint - serialize integers as “Unsigned 64-bit integers” - 9223372036854775807u
  • float - serialize integers as “IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers”. Useful for unify number types in your pipeline to avoid field type conflict - 9223372036854775807

The field_types can be also specified as part of incoming dictionary. For more info see an example above.


new data point

static measurement(measurement)[source]

Create a new Point with specified measurement name.

classmethod set_str_rep(rep_function)[source]

Set the string representation for all Points.

tag(key, value)[source]

Add tag with key and value.

time(time, write_precision='ns')[source]

Specify timestamp for DataPoint with declared precision.

If time doesn’t have specified timezone we assume that timezone is UTC.

Point.measurement(“h2o”).field(“val”, 1).time(“2009-11-10T23:00:00.123456Z”) Point.measurement(“h2o”).field(“val”, 1).time(1257894000123456000) Point.measurement(“h2o”).field(“val”, 1).time(datetime(2009, 11, 10, 23, 0, 0, 123456)) Point.measurement(“h2o”).field(“val”, 1).time(1257894000123456000, write_precision=WritePrecision.NS)
  • time – the timestamp for your data
  • write_precision – sets the precision for the supplied time values

this point


Create LineProtocol.

param precision:
 required precision of LineProtocol. If it’s not set then use the precision from Point.

Get precision.

class influxdb_client.domain.write_precision.WritePrecision[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

WritePrecision - a model defined in OpenAPI.

NS = 'ns'
openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is attribute type.
attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
and the value is json key in definition.

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


class influxdb_client.BucketsApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/buckets’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

create_bucket(bucket=None, bucket_name=None, org_id=None, retention_rules=None, description=None, org=None) → influxdb_client.domain.bucket.Bucket[source]

Create a bucket.

  • bucket (Bucket|PostBucketRequest) – bucket to create
  • bucket_name – bucket name
  • description – bucket description
  • org_id – org_id
  • bucket_name – bucket name
  • retention_rules – retention rules array or single BucketRetentionRules
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization for create the bucket; Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.

Bucket If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread.


Delete a bucket.

Parameters:bucket – bucket id or Bucket

Find bucket by ID.


Find bucket by name.

Parameters:bucket_name – bucket name

List buckets.

Key int offset:Offset for pagination
Key int limit:Limit for pagination
Key str after:The last resource ID from which to seek from (but not including). This is to be used instead of offset.
Key str org:The organization name.
Key str org_id:The organization ID.
Key str name:Only returns buckets with a specific name.
update_bucket(bucket: influxdb_client.domain.bucket.Bucket) → influxdb_client.domain.bucket.Bucket[source]

Update a bucket.

Parameters:bucket – Bucket update to apply (required)
class influxdb_client.domain.Bucket(links=None, id=None, type='user', name=None, description=None, org_id=None, rp=None, schema_type=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None, retention_rules=None, labels=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Bucket - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the created_at of this Bucket.

Returns:The created_at of this Bucket.
Return type:datetime

Get the description of this Bucket.

Returns:The description of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the id of this Bucket.

Returns:The id of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the labels of this Bucket.

Returns:The labels of this Bucket.
Return type:list[Label]

Get the links of this Bucket.

Returns:The links of this Bucket.
Return type:BucketLinks

Get the name of this Bucket.

Returns:The name of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the org_id of this Bucket.

Returns:The org_id of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the retention_rules of this Bucket.

Rules to expire or retain data. No rules means data never expires.

Returns:The retention_rules of this Bucket.
Return type:list[BucketRetentionRules]

Get the rp of this Bucket.

Returns:The rp of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the schema_type of this Bucket.

Returns:The schema_type of this Bucket.
Return type:SchemaType

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


Get the type of this Bucket.

Returns:The type of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Get the updated_at of this Bucket.

Returns:The updated_at of this Bucket.
Return type:datetime


class influxdb_client.LabelsApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/labels’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

clone_label(cloned_name: str, label: influxdb_client.domain.label.Label) → influxdb_client.domain.label.Label[source]

Create the new instance of the label as a copy existing label.

  • cloned_name – new label name
  • label – existing label

clonned Label

create_label(name: str, org_id: str, properties: Dict[str, str] = None) → influxdb_client.domain.label.Label[source]

Create a new label.

  • name – label name
  • org_id – organization id
  • properties – optional label properties

created label

delete_label(label: Union[str, influxdb_client.domain.label.Label])[source]

Delete the label.

Parameters:label – label id or Label
find_label_by_id(label_id: str)[source]

Retrieve the label by id.

find_label_by_org(org_id) → List[influxdb_client.domain.label.Label][source]

Get the list of all labels for given organization.

Parameters:org_id – organization id
Returns:list of labels
find_labels(**kwargs) → List[influxdb_client.domain.label.Label][source]

Get all available labels.

Key str org_id:The organization ID.
update_label(label: influxdb_client.domain.label.Label)[source]

Update an existing label name and properties.

Parameters:label – label
Returns:the updated label


class influxdb_client.OrganizationsApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/orgs’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

create_organization(name: str = None, organization: influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization = None) → influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization[source]

Create an organization.

delete_organization(org_id: str)[source]

Delete an organization.


Retrieve an organization.


List all organizations.

Key int offset:Offset for pagination
Key int limit:Limit for pagination
Key bool descending:
Key str org:Filter organizations to a specific organization name.
Key str org_id:Filter organizations to a specific organization ID.
Key str user_id:
 Filter organizations to a specific user ID.

Return the current authenticated user.

update_organization(organization: influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization) → influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization[source]

Update an organization.

Parameters:organization – Organization update to apply (required)
class influxdb_client.domain.Organization(links=None, id=None, name=None, description=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None, status='active')[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Organization - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the created_at of this Organization.

Returns:The created_at of this Organization.
Return type:datetime

Get the description of this Organization.

Returns:The description of this Organization.
Return type:str

Get the id of this Organization.

Returns:The id of this Organization.
Return type:str

Get the links of this Organization.

Returns:The links of this Organization.
Return type:OrganizationLinks

Get the name of this Organization.

Returns:The name of this Organization.
Return type:str

Get the status of this Organization.

If inactive the organization is inactive.

Returns:The status of this Organization.
Return type:str

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


Get the updated_at of this Organization.

Returns:The updated_at of this Organization.
Return type:datetime


class influxdb_client.UsersApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/users’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

create_user(name: str) → influxdb_client.domain.user.User[source]

Create a user.

delete_user(user: Union[str, influxdb_client.domain.user.User, influxdb_client.domain.user_response.UserResponse]) → None[source]

Delete a user.

Parameters:user – user id or User
find_users(**kwargs) → influxdb_client.domain.users.Users[source]

List all users.

Key int offset:The offset for pagination. The number of records to skip.
Key int limit:Limits the number of records returned. Default is 20.
Key str after:The last resource ID from which to seek from (but not including). This is to be used instead of offset.
Key str name:The user name.
Key str id:The user ID.
me() → influxdb_client.domain.user.User[source]

Return the current authenticated user.

update_password(user: Union[str, influxdb_client.domain.user.User, influxdb_client.domain.user_response.UserResponse], password: str) → None[source]

Update a password.

  • user – User to update password (required)
  • password – New password (required)


update_user(user: influxdb_client.domain.user.User) → influxdb_client.domain.user_response.UserResponse[source]

Update a user.

Parameters:user – User update to apply (required)
class influxdb_client.domain.User(id=None, oauth_id=None, name=None, status='active')[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

User - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the id of this User.

Returns:The id of this User.
Return type:str

Get the name of this User.

Returns:The name of this User.
Return type:str

Get the oauth_id of this User.

Returns:The oauth_id of this User.
Return type:str

Get the status of this User.

If inactive the user is inactive.

Returns:The status of this User.
Return type:str

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


class influxdb_client.TasksApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/tasks’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

add_label(label_id: str, task_id: str) → influxdb_client.domain.label_response.LabelResponse[source]

Add a label to a task.

add_member(member_id, task_id)[source]

Add a member to a task.

add_owner(owner_id, task_id)[source]

Add an owner to a task.

cancel_run(task_id: str, run_id: str)[source]

Cancel a currently running run.

  • task_id
  • run_id
clone_task(task: influxdb_client.domain.task.Task) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Clone a task.

create_task(task: influxdb_client.domain.task.Task = None, task_create_request: influxdb_client.domain.task_create_request.TaskCreateRequest = None) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Create a new task.

create_task_cron(name: str, flux: str, cron: str, org_id: str) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Create a new task with cron repetition schedule.

create_task_every(name, flux, every, organization) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Create a new task with every repetition schedule.

delete_label(label_id: str, task_id: str)[source]

Delete a label from a task.

delete_member(member_id, task_id)[source]

Remove a member from a task.

delete_owner(owner_id, task_id)[source]

Remove an owner from a task.

delete_task(task_id: str)[source]

Delete a task.

find_task_by_id(task_id) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Retrieve a task.


List all tasks.

Key str name:only returns tasks with the specified name
Key str after:returns tasks after specified ID
Key str user:filter tasks to a specific user ID
Key str org:filter tasks to a specific organization name
Key str org_id:filter tasks to a specific organization ID
Key int limit:the number of tasks to return

List all tasks by user.


List all labels for a task.

get_logs(task_id: str) → List[influxdb_client.domain.log_event.LogEvent][source]

Retrieve all logs for a task.

Parameters:task_id – task id
get_members(task_id: str)[source]

List all task members.


List all owners of a task.

get_run(task_id: str, run_id: str) → influxdb_client.domain.run.Run[source]

Get run record for specific task and run id.

  • task_id – task id
  • run_id – run id

Run for specified task and run id

get_run_logs(task_id: str, run_id: str) → List[influxdb_client.domain.log_event.LogEvent][source]

Retrieve all logs for a run.

get_runs(task_id, **kwargs) → List[influxdb_client.domain.run.Run][source]

Retrieve list of run records for a task.

Parameters:task_id – task id
Key str after:returns runs after specified ID
Key int limit:the number of runs to return
Key datetime after_time:
 filter runs to those scheduled after this time, RFC3339
Key datetime before_time:
 filter runs to those scheduled before this time, RFC3339
retry_run(task_id: str, run_id: str)[source]

Retry a task run.

  • task_id – task id
  • run_id – run id
run_manually(task_id: str, scheduled_for: <module 'datetime' from '/home/docs/.pyenv/versions/3.7.9/lib/python3.7/datetime.py'> = None)[source]

Manually start a run of the task now overriding the current schedule.

  • task_id
  • scheduled_for – planned execution
update_task(task: influxdb_client.domain.task.Task) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Update a task.

update_task_request(task_id, task_update_request: influxdb_client.domain.task_update_request.TaskUpdateRequest) → influxdb_client.domain.task.Task[source]

Update a task.

class influxdb_client.domain.Task(id=None, type=None, org_id=None, org=None, name=None, owner_id=None, description=None, status=None, labels=None, authorization_id=None, flux=None, every=None, cron=None, offset=None, latest_completed=None, last_run_status=None, last_run_error=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None, links=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Task - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the authorization_id of this Task.

The ID of the authorization used when the task communicates with the query engine.

Returns:The authorization_id of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the created_at of this Task.

Returns:The created_at of this Task.
Return type:datetime

Get the cron of this Task.

[Cron expression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron#Overview) that defines the schedule on which the task runs. InfluxDB bases cron runs on the system time.

Returns:The cron of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the description of this Task.

The description of the task.

Returns:The description of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the every of this Task.

An interval ([duration literal](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/spec/lexical-elements/#duration-literals))) at which the task runs. every also determines when the task first runs, depending on the specified time.

Returns:The every of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the flux of this Task.

The Flux script to run for this task.

Returns:The flux of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the id of this Task.

Returns:The id of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the labels of this Task.

Returns:The labels of this Task.
Return type:list[Label]

Get the last_run_error of this Task.

Returns:The last_run_error of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the last_run_status of this Task.

Returns:The last_run_status of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the latest_completed of this Task.

A timestamp ([RFC3339 date/time format](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/data-types/basic/time/#time-syntax)) of the latest scheduled and completed run.

Returns:The latest_completed of this Task.
Return type:datetime

Get the links of this Task.

Returns:The links of this Task.
Return type:TaskLinks

Get the name of this Task.

The name of the task.

Returns:The name of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the offset of this Task.

A [duration](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/spec/lexical-elements/#duration-literals) to delay execution of the task after the scheduled time has elapsed. 0 removes the offset.

Returns:The offset of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the org of this Task.

The name of the organization that owns the task.

Returns:The org of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the org_id of this Task.

The ID of the organization that owns the task.

Returns:The org_id of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the owner_id of this Task.

The ID of the user who owns this Task.

Returns:The owner_id of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the status of this Task.

Returns:The status of this Task.
Return type:TaskStatusType

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


Get the type of this Task.

The type of the task, useful for filtering a task list.

Returns:The type of this Task.
Return type:str

Get the updated_at of this Task.

Returns:The updated_at of this Task.
Return type:datetime


class influxdb_client.InvokableScriptsApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Use API invokable scripts to create custom InfluxDB API endpoints that query, process, and shape data.

Initialize defaults.

create_script(create_request: influxdb_client.domain.script_create_request.ScriptCreateRequest) → influxdb_client.domain.script.Script[source]

Create a script.

Parameters:create_request (ScriptCreateRequest) – The script to create. (required)
Returns:The created script.
delete_script(script_id: str) → None[source]

Delete a script.

Parameters:script_id (str) – The ID of the script to delete. (required)

List scripts.

Key int limit:The number of scripts to return.
Key int offset:The offset for pagination.
Returns:List of scripts.
Return type:list[Script]
invoke_script(script_id: str, params: dict = None) → influxdb_client.client.flux_table.TableList[source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return result as a TableList.

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • params – bind parameters

FluxTable list wrapped into TableList

Return type:


Serialization the query results to flattened list of values via to_values():

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient

with InfluxDBClient(url="https://us-west-2-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:

    # Query: using Table structure
    tables = client.invokable_scripts_api().invoke_script(script_id="script-id")

    # Serialize to values
    output = tables.to_values(columns=['location', '_time', '_value'])
    ['New York', datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 7, 11, 3, 22, 917593, tzinfo=tzutc()), 24.3],
    ['Prague', datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 7, 11, 3, 22, 917593, tzinfo=tzutc()), 25.3],

Serialization the query results to JSON via to_json():

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient

with InfluxDBClient(url="https://us-west-2-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:

    # Query: using Table structure
    tables = client.invokable_scripts_api().invoke_script(script_id="script-id")

    # Serialize to JSON
    output = tables.to_json(indent=5)
        "_measurement": "mem",
        "_start": "2021-06-23T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_stop": "2021-06-25T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_time": "2020-02-27T16:20:00.897825+00:00",
        "region": "north",
         "_field": "usage",
        "_value": 15
        "_measurement": "mem",
        "_start": "2021-06-23T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_stop": "2021-06-25T06:50:11.897825+00:00",
        "_time": "2020-02-27T16:20:01.897825+00:00",
        "region": "west",
         "_field": "usage",
        "_value": 10
invoke_script_csv(script_id: str, params: dict = None) → influxdb_client.client.flux_table.CSVIterator[source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return result as a CSV iterator. Each iteration returns a row of the CSV file.

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • params – bind parameters

Iterator[List[str]] wrapped into CSVIterator

Return type:


Serialization the query results to flattened list of values via to_values():

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient

with InfluxDBClient(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org") as client:

    # Query: using CSV iterator
    csv_iterator = client.invokable_scripts_api().invoke_script_csv(script_id="script-id")

    # Serialize to values
    output = csv_iterator.to_values()
    ['', 'result', 'table', '_start', '_stop', '_time', '_value', '_field', '_measurement', 'location']
    ['', '', '0', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '24.3', 'temperature', 'my_measurement', 'New York']
    ['', '', '1', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '2022-06-16', '25.3', 'temperature', 'my_measurement', 'Prague']
invoke_script_data_frame(script_id: str, params: dict = None, data_frame_index: List[str] = None)[source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return Pandas DataFrame.

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.


If the script returns tables with differing schemas than the client generates a DataFrame for each of them.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • data_frame_index (List[str]) – The list of columns that are used as DataFrame index.
  • params – bind parameters

DataFrame or List[DataFrame]


For the optimal processing of the query results use the pivot() function which align results as a table.

    |> range(start: -5m, stop: now())
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "mem")
    |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
For more info see:
invoke_script_data_frame_stream(script_id: str, params: dict = None, data_frame_index: List[str] = None)[source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return stream of Pandas DataFrame as a Generator[‘pd.DataFrame’].

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.


If the script returns tables with differing schemas than the client generates a DataFrame for each of them.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • data_frame_index (List[str]) – The list of columns that are used as DataFrame index.
  • params – bind parameters



For the optimal processing of the query results use the pivot() function which align results as a table.

    |> range(start: -5m, stop: now())
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "mem")
    |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
For more info see:
invoke_script_raw(script_id: str, params: dict = None) → Iterator[List[str]][source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return result as raw unprocessed result as a str.

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • params – bind parameters

Result as a str.

invoke_script_stream(script_id: str, params: dict = None) → Generator[influxdb_client.client.flux_table.FluxRecord, Any, None][source]

Invoke synchronously a script and return result as a Generator[‘FluxRecord’].

The bind parameters referenced in the script are substitutes with params key-values sent in the request body.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to invoke. (required)
  • params – bind parameters

Stream of FluxRecord.

Return type:


update_script(script_id: str, update_request: influxdb_client.domain.script_update_request.ScriptUpdateRequest) → influxdb_client.domain.script.Script[source]

Update a script.

  • script_id (str) – The ID of the script to update. (required)
  • update_request (ScriptUpdateRequest) – Script updates to apply (required)

The updated.

class influxdb_client.domain.Script(id=None, name=None, description=None, org_id=None, script=None, language=None, url=None, created_at=None, updated_at=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

Script - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the created_at of this Script.

Returns:The created_at of this Script.
Return type:datetime

Get the description of this Script.

Returns:The description of this Script.
Return type:str

Get the id of this Script.

Returns:The id of this Script.
Return type:str

Get the language of this Script.

Returns:The language of this Script.
Return type:ScriptLanguage

Get the name of this Script.

Returns:The name of this Script.
Return type:str

Get the org_id of this Script.

Returns:The org_id of this Script.
Return type:str

Get the script of this Script.

script to be executed

Returns:The script of this Script.
Return type:str

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


Get the updated_at of this Script.

Returns:The updated_at of this Script.
Return type:datetime

Get the url of this Script.

invocation endpoint address

Returns:The url of this Script.
Return type:str
class influxdb_client.domain.ScriptCreateRequest(name=None, description=None, script=None, language=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

ScriptCreateRequest - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the description of this ScriptCreateRequest.

Returns:The description of this ScriptCreateRequest.
Return type:str

Get the language of this ScriptCreateRequest.

Returns:The language of this ScriptCreateRequest.
Return type:ScriptLanguage

Get the name of this ScriptCreateRequest.

The name of the script. The name must be unique within the organization.

Returns:The name of this ScriptCreateRequest.
Return type:str

Get the script of this ScriptCreateRequest.

The script to execute.

Returns:The script of this ScriptCreateRequest.
Return type:str

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


class influxdb_client.DeleteApi(influxdb_client)[source]

Implementation for ‘/api/v2/delete’ endpoint.

Initialize defaults.

delete(start: Union[str, datetime.datetime], stop: Union[str, datetime.datetime], predicate: str, bucket: str, org: Union[str, influxdb_client.domain.organization.Organization, None] = None) → None[source]

Delete Time series data from InfluxDB.

  • datetime.datetime start (str,) – start time
  • datetime.datetime stop (str,) – stop time
  • predicate (str) – predicate
  • bucket (str) – bucket id or name from which data will be deleted
  • Organization org (str,) – specifies the organization to delete data from. Take the ID, Name or Organization. If not specified the default value from InfluxDBClient.org is used.

class influxdb_client.domain.DeletePredicateRequest(start=None, stop=None, predicate=None)[source]

NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.

Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech

Do not edit the class manually.

DeletePredicateRequest - a model defined in OpenAPI.


Get the predicate of this DeletePredicateRequest.

An expression in [delete predicate syntax](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.2/reference/syntax/delete-predicate/).

Returns:The predicate of this DeletePredicateRequest.
Return type:str

Get the start of this DeletePredicateRequest.

A timestamp ([RFC3339 date/time format](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/data-types/basic/time/#time-syntax)).

Returns:The start of this DeletePredicateRequest.
Return type:datetime

Get the stop of this DeletePredicateRequest.

A timestamp ([RFC3339 date/time format](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/data-types/basic/time/#time-syntax)).

Returns:The stop of this DeletePredicateRequest.
Return type:datetime

Return the model properties as a dict.


Return the string representation of the model.


class influxdb_client.client.util.date_utils.DateHelper(timezone: datetime.tzinfo = datetime.timezone.utc)[source]

DateHelper to groups different implementations of date operations.

If you would like to serialize the query results to custom timezone, you can use following code:

from influxdb_client.client.util import date_utils
from influxdb_client.client.util.date_utils import DateHelper
import dateutil.parser
from dateutil import tz

def parse_date(date_string: str):
    return dateutil.parser.parse(date_string).astimezone(tz.gettz('ETC/GMT+2'))

date_utils.date_helper = DateHelper()
date_utils.date_helper.parse_date = parse_date

Initialize defaults.

Parameters:timezone – Default timezone used for serialization “datetime” without “tzinfo”. Default value is “UTC”.
parse_date(date_string: str)[source]

Parse string into Date or Timestamp.

Returns:Returns a datetime.datetime object or compliant implementation like class 'pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp

Get number of nanoseconds in timedelta.

Solution comes from v1 client. Thx. https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-python/pull/811

to_utc(value: <module 'datetime' from '/home/docs/.pyenv/versions/3.7.9/lib/python3.7/datetime.py'>)[source]

Convert datetime to UTC timezone.

Parameters:value – datetime
Returns:datetime in UTC
class influxdb_client.client.util.multiprocessing_helper.MultiprocessingWriter(**kwargs)[source]

The Helper class to write data into InfluxDB in independent OS process.

from influxdb_client import WriteOptions
from influxdb_client.client.util.multiprocessing_helper import MultiprocessingWriter

def main():
    writer = MultiprocessingWriter(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org",

    for x in range(1, 1000):
        writer.write(bucket="my-bucket", record=f"mem,tag=a value={x}i {x}")


if __name__ == '__main__':
How to use with context_manager:
from influxdb_client import WriteOptions
from influxdb_client.client.util.multiprocessing_helper import MultiprocessingWriter

def main():
    with MultiprocessingWriter(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org",
                               write_options=WriteOptions(batch_size=100)) as writer:
        for x in range(1, 1000):
            writer.write(bucket="my-bucket", record=f"mem,tag=a value={x}i {x}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
How to handle batch events:
from influxdb_client import WriteOptions
from influxdb_client.client.exceptions import InfluxDBError
from influxdb_client.client.util.multiprocessing_helper import MultiprocessingWriter

class BatchingCallback(object):

    def success(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str):
        print(f"Written batch: {conf}, data: {data}")

    def error(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str, exception: InfluxDBError):
        print(f"Cannot write batch: {conf}, data: {data} due: {exception}")

    def retry(self, conf: (str, str, str), data: str, exception: InfluxDBError):
        print(f"Retryable error occurs for batch: {conf}, data: {data} retry: {exception}")

def main():
    callback = BatchingCallback()
    with MultiprocessingWriter(url="http://localhost:8086", token="my-token", org="my-org",
                               retry_callback=callback.retry) as writer:

        for x in range(1, 1000):
            writer.write(bucket="my-bucket", record=f"mem,tag=a value={x}i {x}")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Initialize defaults.

For more information how to initialize the writer see the examples above.

Parameters:kwargs – arguments are passed into __init__ function of InfluxDBClient and write_api.

Initialize InfluxDBClient and waits for data to writes into InfluxDB.

start() → None[source]

Start independent process for writing data into InfluxDB.

terminate() → None[source]

Cleanup resources in independent process.

This function cannot be used to terminate the MultiprocessingWriter. If you want to finish your writes please call: __del__.

write(**kwargs) → None[source]

Append time-series data into underlying queue.

For more information how to pass arguments see the examples above.

Parameters:kwargs – arguments are passed into write function of WriteApi